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3 human years later / 5 Olympian years

DIANA SALVATORE OLYMPIAN lay in a large king bed in the middle of her golden bedroom. Her unbleached strawberry hair laid in waves on her pillow around her.

The bedroom door creaked open and two sets of small feet padded into the room and stopped before the bed before they climbed up and jumped on top of her.

"Ohh Gaea," Diana groaned under the unexpected additional weight.

"Mummy, wake up," A little girl said.

"I'm up Artemis. Why are you disturbing Mummy's peace?"

"Grandma said to come to get you. She also said it has something to do with two men called Damon and Stefan. She said they're in drama with people called siphoners and you need to help them," a little boy told her.

"What Pollo said," Artemis said pointing at him.

The two children looked at her with their familiar big blue eyes in questioning and Diana sighed, "Let's go get some breakfast."

"Who are they, mummy?" Apollo asked.

"Your uncles. They live in Mystic Falls where they're always getting into drama, that Mummy has to get them out of," Diana told him.

"Why?" Artemis asked.

"Because they're what we call idiots," Diana said as they walked down the long corridor and into the kitchen where her parents were.

"What did they do now?" Diana asked them.

"Got themselves into drama with siphoners and the Phoenix stone and Rayna Cruz," Hecate explained.

"Damon nor Caroline told me this when I spoke to them last week," Diana mumbled.

"They probably didn't want to worry you. I gotta go. Love you," Ares advised kissing the top of her and the children's heads before leaving.

"Now I have to go back to that hell hole to help them. How wonderful," Diana watched her children devour the pancakes that they were eating. "Hey guys," they looked up at her, "How would you like to go to Earth."

Authors Note

Hello, lovelies. I would like to thank you guys so much for reading this book. I would like you to vote and comment on your thoughts on the book and what you hope to see in the sequel. Please read my other books if you like Finnick Odair or Steve Rogers.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

Edited: Hello, lovelies. The sequel is now out and published on my account. Please follow my Pinterest (which is in the banner 👇)to see all my upcoming book covers and aesthetics. Thank you.

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