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ALMOST the whole summer had gone by since the two Salvatores departed Mystic Falls with the hybrid. Diana was constantly nagging Klaus about making Stefan feed when he knew he couldn't control the bloodlust. At the moment they were sat in the hot car driving down some highway and Diana had no clue as to where she was going.

"Where are we going? I feel like I've been sitting in this unbearably hot car for years," Diana groaned. Klaus rolled his eyes at her dramatics.

"I can't control the weather love," he spoke annoyed.

"No, but you can control the AC," Diana snapped back just as annoyed. Klaus breathed out before turning the AC up and the car started to cool down.

"Thank you," Diana thanked relaxing. She turned around to look at Stefan who had been quiet for some time and she saw him sleeping. Diana decided to mess with his head a little. She twiddled her fingers around his head and her eyes glowed bright red. She chuckled at the image she placed inside her little brothers head before turning around proud of herself for causing a little mischief.

Klaus looked at her questioningly as Stefan shot up panting. He looked at Diana," Stay out of my head Diana."

Diana had put the image of Damon and Elena into his head and it clearly affected him.

"You know? That's kinda hard seeing as I can read minds, Diana explained.

"Witches can read minds?" Stefan asked.

"No I can read minds."

"What else can you do?"

"Not much. Basic witch powers, psionic energy," Diana shrugged.


They pulled up to a hotel and Diana was asleep in the front seat. Stefan got out of the car immediately and grabbed their overnight bags as Klaus attempted to wake Diana. When his attempts proved useless he got out of the car himself and sped around to her side. He gently opened the door and lifted Diana out. He carried her to the front desk and ordered three rooms.

"I'm sorry we only have two rooms available. All the others were booked earlier," the clerk said apologetically. Klaus sighed shifting the sleeping girl in his arms. The woman looked down at her in worry as Diana's head lolled to the side.

"It's fine," Klaus grumbled. They took the room keys and entered the elevator. On the way up Stefan and Klaus argued about who Diana should sleep with seeing as one was her brother and one was her mate. Stefan eventually gave in when he pulled the mate card knowing he wouldn't hurt his sister.

They went their separate ways and Klaus laid Diana on one of the two beds in the room and changed her into something more comfortable. He stared at her moving a piece of hair that had fallen in front of her face before going off into the bathroom.

A few hours later, Diana awoke to a comfortable bed underneath her. No light streamed in so she assumed it was the early hours of the morning. She looked down at herself noticing she was in a hoodie and a pair of shorts. A rustling came from the other side of the room and Diana's head snapped up to the noise. Klaus lay on the bed next to her a small layer of sweat covering his face.

She sighed and hopped out of the bed and crawled into his. She adjusted his arm around her and cuddled into him. Staring at him for a moment her eyes glowed red as she shuffled through his nightmare and replaced them with something more calming. She blinked and her eyes returned to their natural green colour.

She stayed in her place and quickly drifted off to sleep.


Klaus woke up with an arm wrapped around his waist and strands of hair on his face. He was confused as to when and how Diana ended up in his bed. Klaus shifted his weight and she stirred before her eyes peeled open.

"Sorry," Klaus said guilty, "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine," Diana waved him off before unwrapping herself from him. It was silent for a moment before Klaus asked the question on his mind.

"How come you ended up here."

"You were having a nightmare so I changed it and you wrapped your arm around me so I couldn't leave," Diana lied. Well not exactly lied, but it was not exactly the whole truth.

Klaus nodded with a smirk amused at her slightly flustered self. Diana cleared her throat and got out of the bed, grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her. She leaned against the sink and breathed in and out to calm herself. She showered, brushed her teeth and quickly got dressed walking back into the room where Klaus watched her every move.

"I'm gonna go see Stefan," Diana exclaimed before leaving the room in a hurry.

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