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DIANA was sat in the boarding house, texting her witch, Safina. She and Damon were desperately trying to ignore the sound of Elena and Stefan's make-out session upstairs. She groaned in annoyance when the sounds seemingly got louder. The door then opened and Elena waltzed in. Damon stood up confused and Diana giggled in amusement. "Good morning Damon, Diana," she acknowledged.

Katherine who was pretending to be Elena fixed the buttons on her top before turning towards the stairs. Damon however sped over to her and wrapped his hand around her throat. "What are you doing here?" he growled.

"What is your problem," Katherine grunted.

"You're wearing her clothes like that's going to work." Diana was enjoying the war Damon was having in his head.

"You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb. Isn't she?" Damon faltered at her statement and let go of her neck.

Stefan hearing the commotion, came downstairs, "What the hell is going on!"

"Dames is trying to figure out which one is Elena," Diana explained smugly.

Damon made a face at her as Katherine said, "Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" Both Damon and Stefan sped upstairs and a series of bangs echoed around the house.

Diana turned to Katherine and they high fived, "You're getting better at this."

Katherine shrugged and they joined the others in Stefan's room. "Stop it, Katherine."

"Stop what?" Katherine asked innocently leaning against the doorframe.

"You guys are idiots. You can't even tell them apart," mused Diana.

"It's getting really easy being you," Katherine commented as Elena and the Salvatore boys glared at her.

Elena turned to Stefan, "What is she doing here?"

"When we killed Elijah it must have broken off the compulsion and freed the bitch," Damon glowered.

"How is that even possible?" Stefan questioned.

"He's an original, they have all sorts of special skills. Ana should know she married one," Diana turned to glare heatedly at Katherine. "Why are you glaring at me."

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust," she gritted through her teeth.

"You're married," Damon and Stefan shouted.

"To an original?" Damon elaborated.

"Was," Diana shrugged. "Can we talk about this... I don't know never."

Elena interrupted, "I don't want you here."

"God Elena do you ever shut up, not everything is about you. Somehow you don't even have to open your mouth for me to get a headache, so spare my poor head please," Diana complained rubbing her temples.

"Get her out of here." Elena ignored her.

"You need my help Elena, all of you. Except for Ana, Klaus wouldn't hurt her even if his life depended on it." Katherine said.

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