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DIANA had been in Olympus for quite some time. She socialised with her family and got to know them better. She would often play pranks with Loki and go shopping with Aphrodite. The malls they had for the minor gods and goddesses were pretty extensive so they usually spent the whole day.

She practised magic with her mother and Frigga daily. When she got her mark her powers manifested and she was now more powerful.

With her father and Thor, she practised battle tactics and swordsmanship. She'd met some of Thor's friends and instantly clicked with Sif, they frequently trained together with her father. She even had her own weapons, two kindjals, and two hellhounds that were gifted to her by Hades named Titan and Darius.

She had become quite close with her great uncle Hades and aunt Persephone. Diana usually visited the underworld and ofter played with Cerberus and tortured bad souls with Hades.

Diana sat in her room speed reading through one of the books that were in the library when her parents entered. Titan and Darius, who were at the foothill of her bed, stood up alert.


"Hey we wanted to talk to you," Hecate said.

"Ok, what about," Diana said with a smile.

"Why we sent you away," Ares added.

"Oh, I already know. Because Kronos broke out of Tartarus and a war was brewing," Diana shrugged. They looked at her confused, "I don't know why but ever since the marking my mind has been on autopilot so I know everything. It's weird."

They nodded, "Although I do have a question. When's my birthday?" Diana asked.

"The mundanes would say, March 23rd of 1839," Ares shrugged.

Diana cheered, "That means I'm older than Damon. By four months."

Her parents chuckled and they talked for a bit. Diana was contemplating telling them about what she had decided.

"I'm going back to Mystic Falls," Diana blurted. Her parents went quiet.

"Okay, we'll see you often right?" Hecate questioned.

"Yeah totally. How about I come around every Saturday?" Diana mentioned. They nodded hugging her tightly. Once they left her room Diana started packing and saying her goodbyes.

Diana teleported down to the rainbow bridge.

"Hello Heimdall. I'm going home," She told the gatekeeper.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Lady Diana," Heimdall said formally. Diana chuckled and stood on the platform. She nodded for Heimdall to turn on the Bifrost and she shot down in rainbow lights and she stood in front of the Mikaelson mansion. One of the souls from the underworld said that Klaus had built a large mansion in Mystic Falls. She had the soul tailing him for quite some time.

She opened the door and called out, "Nik! Oh Gaea, why does it smell like dead bodies in here?" Diana grimaced.

Klaus who was kneeling before his mother, eyes widened, "In here love."

Diana followed his voice and found all of his siblings standing around the room with his mother, "Ohh not so happy family reunion."

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