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DAMON AND STEFAN were worried about Diana after her outburst she was acting differently, going in and out of her thoughts. Diana was acting strange but she was putting up a front for her brothers. She was constantly thinking about her strange dream which felt so real.

She was currently in the parlour trying to listen to Stefan drone on about how Isobel just showed up at Elena's house and now Jenna was mad. She wasn't really focused on the conversation thinking of the possibilities of what potential the mysterious voice had mentioned.

Damon glanced at his sister and noticed her glaring at the floor in a dazed manner and snapped his fingers in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What?" Diana asked. Damon raised his eyebrows.

"You're doing it again." Damon, Stefan and Katherine, who had just entered the room, looked at her in concern.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Diana shook her head focusing.

"Isobel's here," Stefan informed. Diana nodded once again.

Katherine spoke, "I don't think you should tell her that I'm here."



"I don't see why we can't kill the bitch."

All Salvatore's spoke at once. They all looked at Diana for her sentence and she shrugged. "She's Elena's biological mother," Stefan chided. Diana looked at him as if to say 'so'. Damon smiled at his sister's sarcastic nature, thinking she was going back to her normal nature.

"It's better if she and John didn't know I was out of the tomb," Katherine explained.

Diana smirked at her, "You're the one in cahoots with them," Damon pointed out.

"You made a deal with John that almost got me killed," he continued and Diana rolled her eyes.

"If you told me you had the dagger in the first place you wouldn't have almost gotten killed."

Damon made a face at his sister, "I did what I had to do to get out of that tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance," Katherine smirked making Stefan look at her in worry.

"What do you know?" Stefan asked eagerly.

"She knows nothing Steffie, she's bluffing," Diana scoffed.

Katherine rolled her eyes at the girl and faced the siblings, "I know that I want Klaus dead which puts me squarely on team, you." Katherine looked at Diana to see why she hadn't objected yet, only to find her looking right back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Besides if you two ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the fewer people that know I'm here the better. Think about it, Stefan. Be smart."

Stefan finally nodded, "Tell you what... You three, call Alaric and let him know his wife just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep," he looked them once over before walking out of the house shutting the door gently behind him. Damon and Katherine looked at each other before looking at Diana who was zoned out and Damon sighed.


Damon came back into the parlour seeing Diana on her phone, "What are you doing?" he questioned.

"Nothing. What's up?" Diana deflected Damon sighed.

"You know you could tell me anything right. I'm your twin."

Diana rolled her eyes with a laugh, "I know Dames. I don't think I could ever forget that your my twin. Trust me I've tried," she joked and Damon cracks a smile.

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