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"I REALLY don't understand why you're dragging me to this stupid thing," Diana complained to Alaric. Earlier this morning she was rudely awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. It was Alaric saying that he needed her to go to something.

It wasn't till she arrived at where they were supposed to meet did she realise that they were going on some tour with Jenna and Elijah. Diana was pissed that Alaric had woken her up for a stalking mission.

"I'm bringing you here so I don't look like a jealous ass. Plus you know Elijah," Alaric responded.

"You don't need to look like one. You're acting like one," she retorted. He rolls his eyes as they walk up to Elijah and Jenna.

Diana smiled at them as Jenna introduced them, "Elijah these are my friends Alaric Saltzman and Diana Salvatore."

Elijah looked at Diana who walked up to him and hugged him, "Miss Salvatore and I have already been acquainted," Diana smiled at Jenna, from under Elijah's arm, who has raised eyebrows at their closeness.

"I can see that," Jenna said giving Diana the 'we need to talk' look as she separated from Elijah but still stayed close.

"I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property so I thought Diana and I would come along," Alaric smiled. Diana could tell that it was fake.

"I didn't want to be here," Diana bluntly shrugged causing Alaric to glare at her. "But where to next," she continued.

"I'm quite curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history," Elijah said trying to hide his amusement for the situation.

"Well I only brought the surveys, I have that list in the car though. Just give me a sec," Jenna replied rushing off to her car.

"Alaric Saltzman. You're one of the people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect," Elijah spoke when Jenna is out of range.

"So is Jenna," Alaric responded somewhat angrily.

"You don't have to be jealous. I don't pursue younger women," Elijah replies jokingly looking down at Diana slightly before up to Alaric.

Diana giggled as she says, "He likes fossils like himself." Elijah smiled fondly at her.

"It's a joke Ric lighten up," Elijah said, he patted him on the shoulder and then walked away.

"I'm so glad you made me come now," Diana laughed.

"Shut up Ana."


Diana was now at the grill sitting next to Damon's blood bag glaring at her in hatred. She wished she could snap her neck without anyone noticing but that would be impossible due to the number of people in the grill.

"Other than the lecture in the history of Mystic falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?" Damon asked taking a sip of bourbon.

"No, it was boring," He sighed but his jealousy showed in his next sentence, "Of course Jenna thinks he's charming."

Damon seized the opportunity to tease him. "You sound jealous." He then turned to Andie, "Does he sound jealous to you."

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