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DIANA stirred awake. She laid in bed a while trying to fall back asleep. She eventually rolled out of bed and got ready for the day, throwing on a decent outfit. A series of bangs echoed and Diana stood alert. She listened into Stefan and Damon's rooms to hear them snoring lightly. She rolled her eyes wondering how they were still sleeping. She carefully walked downstairs to see Elena and Elijah by the door.

A smirk grew on her face, "Well, well, well," Elena jumped spinning around, "The doppelganger finally seeks help from someone other than the Salvatore brothers," she continued sarcastically.

Elijah smiled at her and she hugged him tightly. Elijah planted a kiss on her forehead and Elena watched the encounter with a scowl, "Well considering you're not helping."

"I'd rather slit my own throat than help you," Diana replied bluntly.

Elena rolled her eyes then turned to Elijah. "Can I trust you?"

"Can I trust you," he shot back with narrowed eyes. Elena pulled the dagger from behind her back and handed it to him and he took it carefully.


Elijah, Diana and Elena sat in Diana's black Camaro whilst Elijah sucked on a blood bag. Diana was driving aimlessly and the car we deathly silent. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a butter knife.

"Pull over here," Elena demanded pointing to the side of the road.

Diana complied turning off the engine before turning to Elijah, "You look better. Well except for your suit."

Elijah nodded before addressing Elena, "Where did you get the dagger from?"

"I'll tell you but we have to work together Elijah. I need your word," Elena pleaded. Diana rolled her eyes as Elijah replied, "Your ability to make demands has long passed." He took another blood bag and sipped on it.

"No demands. I'm offering you my help in exchange for yours."

"And why should I even consider this?" Elijah questioned as Diana looked at her nails in boredom.

"The same reason you haven't killed me. You need my help to kill Klaus and I need you," Elena stated confidently.

"The only reason I haven't killed you is that, Nik needs you for his ritual," Diana shrugged. Elena's phone rang, "Answer it. It's probably my brothers."

Elena answered the phone and Stefan's voice echoed through it, "Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Where's Elijah?"

Rude. He didn't even ask about his favourite sibling.

"He's here."

"Where? I'm on my way."

"No, Stefan. Elijah and I need some time alone. Plus Diana's here," Elena defended.

"Listen to me he can't be trusted. He will use you to get to Klaus."

"Oh my gods," Diana muttered before taking the phone, "She'll be fine Steffie. No harm will come to her. Nik'll kill me if his doppelganger is damaged by the time the sacrifice comes." Elijah chuckled as she handed the phone back to the doppelganger.

"Elijah's a nobleman, Stefan. He lives by a code of honour. I can trust him. He knows that I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I've proven myself," Elena assured.

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