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STEPPING off her private jet in Virginia mode Diana grimaced as she promised herself she was never coming back to Mystic Falls.

They could've chosen anywhere to live but they had to choose here she thought with a scowl.

After picking up a sleek black Camaro from the dealership she sped down the highway towards the small town. Upon reaching it, heads of people, walking in town, turn to try and get a glimpse of the new and obviously rich visitor.

People in this town are so damn nosy

She was tempted to turn the car around but reminded herself that her brothers needed her.

As she pulled up to the boarding house she could distinctly hear the voices of her brothers and an unfamiliar girl. Wanting to make a grand entrance she crept into the house and leaned on the other side of the parlour wall listening to the girl tell her story.

"I'm still shaking," the girl stated. Diana rolled her eyes at the dramatics wanting her to get on with the story.

She listens as she hears her little brother exclaim in slight anger, "What happened?"

"Go ahead tell him," Damon said somewhat smugly.

"I saw Katherine" she stated slightly scared. Diana sighed, she thought it was going to be something more dramatic by the way the girl was acting.

"Where," Stefan asked quickly. Diana once again rolled her eyes. She didn't think her lovestruck brothers would be able to kill Katherine. She on the other hand would make it quick and painful.

"At the grill, I just went by to-," she cut herself off before sighing and continuing "stalk Matt." She then went into a long explanation of how Katherine pretended to be Elena. Diana's eyebrows furrowed on the mention of the Elena girl not knowing who she was but figured she would meet her soon. The girl then said Katherine told her to deliver the brothers a message.

"What was the message," Stefan asked urgently once again.

"She said to tell you that she wants the moonstone or she would rip the town apart until it rained blood-," she was abruptly cut off by Damon.

Can he let her talk?

"Tell him the rest" he urged.

"She wants it tonight at the masquerade ball," she explained solemnly.

"She wants to do it in public killing Mason caught her off guard," Stefan explained.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate, she's out of tricks," Damon guessed.

"We can't underestimate her we have to think smarter than her," Stefan said trying to think of a plan.

"Can't we just give it to her so she can leave?" the girl asked. Diana wanted to strangle her. Katherine can't win and Diana never loses.

"No Katherines not getting dick." Damon voiced. Seeing her opportunity Diana but in.

"She wouldn't need anymore since you gave her so much Dames" Diana scoffed coming from her hiding place to lean on the doorframe.

All three heads snap in her direction in shock. Damon was glaring at her as she raised her eyebrow at her little brother. "Stef close your mouth you're going to catch flies" she smirked as she planted herself on the couch.

"Uh ... who are you?" The girl asked.

Diana took her time to carefully analyse her. Blond hair blue eyes and excellent taste in clothes.

"Diana" she replied shortly. "Who are you," she says with a head tilt making her look slightly innocent.

"Uh... I'm Caroline Forbes," Diana could tell she was a new vamp as she was slightly timid.

"This is Diana my-," She cut Stefan off.

"Stefan's wife" she states with a smirk. Caroline's eyes widened at her words.

"Your dating my friend and you're married," she exclaimed in anger.

Stefan was standing there gaping at Diana in shock from her statement.

"Your dating someone. Your cheating on me with some slut when we have been married for over 100 years," Diana said fake crying. "How could you Stefan I loved you I was going to have your child for god sake and this is how you repay me." If possible Caroline's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she turned to Stefan accusingly.

Rolling his eyes at his sister's antics Damon explained calmly, "Caroline this is my very dramatic little sister Diana." Realising the joke Caroline relaxed.

"Caroline this is Diana, Damon's twin sister. He's just older so he likes to rub it in." Stefan corrected as Diana wiggled her fingers in the blonde's direction.

"So are you not going to hug your twin Dames," a condescending pout rested on her lips.

Damon sighed and opened his arms. She walked toward him and he wrapped his arms around her. "We're good right," he whispered to her.

"Sort of" she replied as she knees him in the groin, "That is for Lexi, you ass."

"You knew Lexi," Stefan asked confused. "Yeah, we used to talk about you after she would get you back on your bunny diet. She called me before she came and we arranged to meet up but when she didn't come one of my sources told me Damon killed her," she replied.

"Not gonna lie you scare me sometimes," Damon said standing

Diana just smirked and said, "I know, it's wonderful. I'm going to get my bags and choose my room, see you later," she walked out of the room with a light smirk resting on her face.

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