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It was two days later Diana was going in and out of consciousness. When she finally woke up properly the sun was beating down on her face. She groaned at the pain in her head not remember what had happened. Elijah's face came into view and he helped her up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked cautiously.

"Like I got hit by a bus but also as if I drank a bunch of energy drinks," Diana explained. She gasped suddenly, "I got my magic back." She focused on levitating the man in front of her. Her hands swirled in intricate ways and red energy flowed in between them as Elijah was lifted a few centimetres of the ground.

She dropped him with a chuckle and looked around. She spotted the sleeping hybrid and signalled over towards him, "Does he have clothes."

Elijah held up a clear bag with different items of clothing just as Klaus stirred awake, "Try and hit him in the face," Diana urged.

It landed in the hybrids lap and Diana pouted in annoyance. "You've been busy," Elijah announced their presence.

"That was amazing," Klaus breathed, "How long has it been?"

"2 days. The full moon came and went, you remained a wolf," Elijah explained as Klaus got dressed causing Diana's eyes to widen.

"2 days! Oh my Gods I feel so dirty," Diana exclaimed gagging. Klaus looked at her finally noticing her presence.

When they locked eyes, it was like a breath of fresh air, "Mate," he growled.

Diana's eyes widened again before she looked at Elijah, "Please tell me he's looking at you."

"I don't think so," Elijah replied as he glanced between them with a look on his face Diana couldn't decipher.

Diana looked at the hybrid who was drinking in her appearance. She felt a slight pull towards him and he felt the same. He sped over to her and grabbed her hand holding it, enjoying her touch.

Diana felt content like that was where she was supposed to be. "You said two days. That's good I can change at will. I remember every single kill," Klaus breathed out in awe.

"I know I've been cleaning up your mess along the way," Elijah responded.

"Just like old times brother," Klaus chuckled.

"You've had your fun. I believe we had a bargain," Elijah mentioned.

"That's right," Klaus mused, "What was it again? Oh. Wait I remember. You wish to be reunited with our family."

"You gave me your word Niklaus," Elijah reminded condescendingly.

"What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me," Klaus smiled.

"I could have but I didn't."

"And now no one can. Not even you," Klaus remarked, "Relax Elijah, all is forgiven."

"You need to lighten up. I'll bring them to you soon enough." Klaus walked slightly in front of the two and Diana saw this as an opportunity to mess with him. She used her connection to nature to levitate small water droplets. A drop of water dropped onto Klaus' shoulder but he paid no mind.

This happened a couple of times before a large droplet fell in the middle of his forehead and rolled down his face. He turned to see Diana giggling.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" Diana asked innocently. Klaus sped her towards the nearest tree and the bark dug into Diana's back.

"You know what you're doing love," he whispered in her ear causing her to shiver. He began to nibble on her ear making his way down to her neck and she tilted her head unknowingly.

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