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DIANA woke up with Caroline and Rebekah's limbs sprawled across her and her body squashed between the two. She gently pushed the two off her and climbed out of her bed. She looked back over to them to see they were clinging to each other like a lifeline so she quickly snapped a picture and padded downstairs.

Going over to the coffee machine she poured herself a cup of it as Klaus walked in.

"It seems you have replaced me as your cuddle buddy."

"Aww was Nikki mad he couldn't get cuddles," Diana said in a baby voice.

"Maybe," Klaus pouted as Diana walked around the kitchen island to hug him.

"Sorry. How was your trip? And why didn't you call me to teleport you back?"

"It was ok. Found the sword. And I didn't want to wake you up my love. Anyway, I have to go to Tyler's." Klaus told her as he parted from the hug.

"Can I come? I'll bring Care and we can finally take a mallet to his car. I suggested it last night but I think she was too tired," Diana shrugged.

"I'm going now love so hurry up."

"We'll meet you there," Diana called over her shoulder running up the stairs and into her bedroom.

"Get up Care," Diana pulled the sheets off the two blondes and they groaned trying to get it back.

"I don't want to," Caroline whined.

"Well, I don't care. We are going to your house to get all of Tyler's stuff and we are throwing them in his face like it's garbage. And then we are going to hit his car with a mallet. Or a bat. I don't really mind," Diana said.

"Ok but why do I have to wake up," Rebekah groaned shielding herself from the light that was pouring into Diana's room.

"Because you're here and I would have woken you up anyway seeing as you and Care were cuddling each other like a married couple," Diana explained.

The two blondes looked at each other weirdly and made a silent agreement to never speak of it again before Caroline got out of bed and into Diana's closet.

"Ana, I'm borrowing your clothes. I'll give them back soon. Or not," Caroline called.

Diana smiled before hopping into the shower.


The two girls were sitting in the car outside Tyler's house with a box of his stuff.

"I can't do this," Caroline blurted.

"Yes, you can. Do you have perfume?" Diana asked.

Caroline handed her a bottle from her purse and Diana sprayed it into the box.

"What are you doing?"

"Making the box smell like you. Then he would remember all the good times and feel sorry for himself that he let you go," Diana admitted, Caroline nodded and they got out of the car, Diana handing the blonde the box.

Caroline knocked firmly on the door and they waited. Tyler opened the door and Caroline pushed herself in, "I brought your stuff. Old laptop, your jersey, the charm bracelet."

"Care, this isn't a good time," Tyler expressed.

"Just take it," She shoved the box into his hands. He sighed as Klaus came over.

"My love. Caroline," Klaus greeted as Caroline glared daggers at Hayley. Klaus wrapped his arms around Diana's waist as he spoke, "By the breakup drama unfolding before me, I assume you've met Hayley." Caroline looked away and he sighed.

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