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THEY had been in the car for hours, the sun was down and they were pulling up to a house in Tennesse. They had found information on a man they were tracking and it led them here. "Do you remember what you have to do?"

"It's not rocket science Nik let's go," Diana argued rolling her eyes and getting out of the car with Klaus following.

They waited in the shadows whilst a woman called out, "Rudy!" The woman whistled for the dog, "Rudy! Come on it's too hot to make me come looking for you!"

Diana rolled her eyes. Klaus grabbed her hand and sped her in front of the woman who gasped in shock at their sudden appearance.

The two hybrids smiled fakely, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Klaus spoke up in a terrible American accent. Diana coughed to cover her laugh she didn't know why he used a fake accent when the real one was much better.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked still breathless from their sudden appearance.

"Yeah, umm our car ran out of gas a couple of miles back, we feel like we've been walking for forever," Klaus stated. "Yours is the first house we've come to. I was hoping we could use your phone."

"Please, sorry he's seemed to forgotten his manners," Diana expressed nudging him in the ribs.

"Don't either you have a cell phone," she interrogated. They held up their phones and pretended that they were dead.

"Battery died. Look I promise I'm not a serial killer I just want to use your phone," Klaus insisted causing Diana to scoff under her breath.

"Sure," the woman sighed.

"So we can come in?" Klaus inquired. Diana almost hit him with the amount of desperation in his voice.

"No. I'll get the phone and bring it to you." Their expressions became dark and annoyed.

"I thought country folk were supposed to be more trusting," Klaus exclaimed dropping his awful accent, Diana sighed at him.

"I'm from Florida," the woman sneered.

"Well, that explains it. Now show us a little hospitality sweet pea," Klaus compelled her. Diana scowled as she let them in.

They entered the kitchen as another woman was washing dishes.

"I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning," she said not turning around. Klaus had a firm grip on the woman they met outside; she was crying.

Hearing silent cries the older woman turned around and gasped, "What's going on?"

"Please don't be alarmed," squeezing the woman in his hold's neck tighter. "We were told Ray Sutton lived here."

The woman paled, "He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly," she gulped.

"But I expect he comes home once a month. Where is he now?"

Diana kept quiet still mad that her mate had called another woman by anything other than her name. The woman ran past them and flung open the door trying to escape. Stefan stood leaning on the door and she screamed. The two mates plus the women followed her, "I love it when they run. Don't you?" Klaus commented glancing at Diana.

He frowned when she didn't reply and just glared daggers at him.

"He's in Toll. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on Highway 41," The woman gulped in fear.

"Thank Gaea," Diana mumbled.

"Thank you, love," Klaus patted the crying woman on the head, "Now may my friend come in."

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