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KLAUS STEFAN AND DIANA trudged through the Smokey Mountains. Stefan was carrying Ray whilst Klaus and Diana were walking alongside him flirting with each other. Stefan was watching them with a troubled expression, "Can you stop flirting with my sister. It's disgusting."

They both looked at him, "She's my mate. I can do whatever I want," Klaus snapped. Diana placed her hand on his arm and he subconsciously calmed down before smirking.

"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?"

"I'm fine," Stefan grumbled.

"You sure about that? You know we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..."

"So he gets the offer? My feet are killing me," Diana complained.

"I don't know why, I did make you change those dreadful heels." Klaus snickered.

"They were not dreadful they were gorgeous. But yes my feet hurt. Nik, carry me," Diana said holding out her arms for him. He sighed and turned around and she got on his back with a smile, she thanked him by kissing him on the cheek.

"You know I get that we're, uh... stuck together but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great. I'd rather you go back to flirting with my sister," Stefan denied interrupting their flirting again.

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend," Klaus teased.

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer," Stefan mumbled the last bit but they picked it up.

"Thanks to our friend Ray here, we've found ourselves a pack," Klaus agreed as they reached the pack and Stefan walked forward and dropped Ray on the ground.

"Ray! Oh my God! What's going on. Who are you?" A woman rushed up and knelt beside the dead man.

Diana jumped off of Klaus' back and walked up to a large rock and sat down. Her nerves were back. They subsided when she was near her mate but they came back now even though he was standing now even ten feet away.

"The important question is who am I," Klaus said. "Please forgive the intrusion. My name's Klaus."

"You're the hybrid," The girl stuttered out.

"You've heard of me. Fantastic," Klaus smirked.

Whilst Klaus was explaining everything Diana dozed in and out of strange dreams.

She was standing in a blue and purple hazy space. In the distance, large mountains stood as tall as the sky. Diana looked down and she seemed to be standing in what looked like a lake but the water didn't even reach her ankles.

A flash brought her from her confusion and what looked like a memory played in front of her. A woman with raven hair stood over a baby with a man with equally black hair. Screams were sounding in the distance.

"She has to go. She's not safe here." The man spoke. The woman nodded and looked back at the baby in her arms.

"I'm sorry sweet Diana. We love you very much. We'll see you soon little warrior."

Their faces were blurred significantly so the only thing Diana could see was their hair before there was a flash of rainbow colours and she was sitting on a doorstep crying. The door opened and her adoptive mother looked back at her astonished at the sight of a baby.

The memory faded and Diana looked around frantically, "No! What was that. Who were those people."

"All in good time little warrior."

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