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A LOT had happened in the space of a few days. Rose had died, Damon was sulking about it and pretending not to care. Then he found himself a walking blood bag bimbo to take away the pain. Diana hadn't officially met her but she thought it was ridiculous. Stefan had dragged Diana to help Caroline with Tyler as he had found out what they were and what had really happened to Mason.

So they had visited him and Diana threatened him a bit. Then that had backfired and ended with Caroline being kidnapped and tortured but then one of Elijah's witches showed up and helped. To say Diana was disappointed with not killing as many werewolves as she wanted was an understatement.

John Gilbert was in town and it had apparently pissed off Elena so Diana naturally loved it. But when she found out what had happened to her twin she wanted to rip out the man's larynx. So that sums up what had happened in the God awful town Diana desperately wished she could leave.

As she walked into the parlour Damon looked up from his personal blood who was rushing around looking for something and his eyes widened immediately. "No, go change."

"Why? I like this outfit," Diana questioned confused.

"I don't want men looking at my baby sister," Damon said.

"I love it when you're overprotective, it's cute, but I'm not changing, and I'm your twin," she replies pinching his cheeks.

He slaps her hands away and then looks down at them. "Why aren't you wearing a daylight ring?"

"I never had a problem with sunlight," she shrugs as Damon turns back to Andie.

"I'm late. This is such a crazy day. I'm covering the historical society's high tea," Andie speaks.

"Ooh! Thrilling," Damon says sarcastically. Diana chuckles at his bluntness.

"Yeah, it's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze fest," the news reporter complained.

"Writer? What's his name," Damon asked suspiciously.

"Uh. Elijah Smith," she answered making Diana chuckle amused by Damon's shocked expression.

"Smith. He's using Smith?" Damon grumbled fixing Andie's scarf which was covering a plaster that had a bite mark underneath. Diana smirked thinking of getting her own personal blood bag as well. Maybe she could try Elena.

"Okay. You have your story straight right?" Damon asked.

"I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood. Just that we hit it off and I really like you," she recalled obviously compelled. "You're terrific though. You're sweet, funny and you're honest.

Diana made a sound that was between a scoff and a laugh. She thought it was ridiculous that her brother had compelled someone to pay him compliments, he already had a large ego. "And you're falling hard," Damon compelled.

"You might be the one," she replied monotonously.

"Perfect. Have a great day, honey," Damon announced leading her towards the door and sharing a small kiss with the human.

"Oh hey, Alaric," she greeted leaving the boarding house.

Diana got bored with the conversation so she went to the kitchen to eat. She opened the cupboard in search of pop tarts. She picked up the box but frowned when it felt light and she quickly looked in the box to find nothing but cellophane. She grew angry and walked up to her twin and slapped him across the face.

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