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DIANA stirred and woke up. She was pissed. The shackles grazed against her wrists as she shifted in an attempt to get comfortable. Hearing a noise she looks up to see a lady with a pixie cut walking into the room.

"Ah. You're awake" she exclaimed dryly.

"Yeah I am and if you let me go now I promise I won't invert your ribcage," Diana replied curtly. The woman knelt in front of her and hissed as she touched the ropes.

"Why does he always put so much vervain," she mumbled, "How does this not affect you?" she questioned Diana curiously.

"I drink a glass of vervain every day, so now it's only a small irritation," she shrugged as Elena stirred awake next to her.

"What happened," she groaned sitting up. The pixie-haired woman got up and left the room leaving Diana with the doppelganger.

"We got kidnapped, now if you would kindly untie me as our kidnapper put vervain on these ropes that would be greatly appreciated," Diana said annoyed.

"Yeah, I know that," Elena replied as she untied the ropes. Diana rubbed her red wrists and looked around disgusted. She felt dirty in the same clothes as yesterday.

"So any idea where we are," Diana asked.

"Ok, the lady and the guy who took us are called Rose and Trevor. I started asking questions and then Rose smacked me into unconsciousness," Diana chuckled in her mind forming a plan.

She ignored the doppelganger and crept silently forward and Elena followed grabbing her hand. She said, irritated by the actions of the human, "Will you let go of my hand."

"How are the girls, Trevor asked.

"The doppelganger woke up, so did the Salvatore she's... interesting. It creeps out me how calm she is," Diana smirked overjoyed that she made them nervous.

"So you called him," asked Trevor again.

"No! I called one of his contacts, you know how it works," Rose said dryly.

"Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah," Trevor asked impatiently. At the name of Elijah, Diana tensed, fortunately for her, Elena did not realize it as she was busy listening to their abductors' conversation.

However, this would benefit her if Elijah was coming. She wouldn't have to do anything. Elijah would let her go. Unless he was working for him. She doubted it though. Not after the argument, they got into.

"They say he got it," Rose said.

"Wonderful and what?" Asked Trevor enthusiastically.

"So that's it, Trevor, he either got it or he didn't, we just have to wait."

"It's not too late. We could leave them here, we don't have to go through with it," Trevor panicked.

"I'm sick of running," said Rose to her friend angrily.

"Yeah well, running keeps us from dying," responded Trevor snidely.

"Elijah's old school, if he accepts our offer then we will be free," Rose said incredulously.

Diana winced hearing the creak on the floor and whipped around to face Elena who was creeping towards the door. "Seriously Ellen, really," Diana angrily said purposely getting her name wrong.

"My name's Elena," she said snarkily.

"I don't care," Diana replied.

"You! There's nothing around here for miles, if you think you're getting out of here you're tragically wrong got it," Rose said.

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