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THE SALVATORE SIBLINGS were standing patiently on the doorstep of the Gilbert house. After 20 minutes of trying to get Diana to wake up, the boys threatened to throw out her extensive shoe collection the girl eventually got out of bed and was filled in on what they were doing that day, which was going to see Katherine.

As Elena opened the door her eyes widened seeing them standing there and feeling slightly intimidated by their rigid stance. "Hi," she said.

"Can we talk?" Stefan asked seemingly innocent.

"Yeah, sure she said opening the door wider for them to come in. Whilst Damon and Stefan walked right in Diana stood by the threshold and cleared her throat.

"Sorry, c-come in," Elena stuttered and Diana just brushed past her and entered like she owned the place.

The Salvatore brothers then recalled everything that happened with Katherine as Diana was trying to pick mud from her shoe.

"You don't believe her do you," Elena asked looking at the siblings.

"No, of course not we just want the moonstone," Damon replied.

"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the curse Klaus wants to break," Stefan said to her and Diana scoffed.

This action caused her brothers to glare at her, "Would you like to input your thoughts, Ana?" Damon questioned glaring at her.

"Yeah. I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't get my head that far up my ass, you're truly stupid" She retorted. They looked at her strangely silently asking her to elaborate. "Nik won't give up even if you find a way to save her from the sacrifice she's gonna die anyway," she stated bluntly.

"You keep talking about him like you know him," Stefan accused. Diana shrugged and thought

You have no idea.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't, that doesn't concern you, Steffie," she said patting him on the shoulder and walking into the adjoining kitchen.

"How do you destroy it?" Elena questioned confused.

"By releasing it from the moonstone," Stefan replied.

"How do you guys know this is going to even work?" Elena presses.

"Cause we have a crafty witch on our side," Damon butted in smugly causing Elena to frown.

"You discussed this with Bonnie."

"She agreed to help us," Stefan justified.

"It's Katherine she's not going to give you the moonstone," Elena fires back.

"She will," Diana insisted at the same time as Stefan says, "We're going to get it from her,"

"What they mean to say is that we have to pry it from her cold dead hand if we have to," Damon retorts. His statement causes Diana to throw a nearby apple at his head.

"You touch Katherine, Damon I swear to God I'll never talk to you again," she cautioned. Diana turned to Elena plastering a smile on her face, "Where's your aunt." she exclaimed enthusiastically.

"You know my aunt?" Elena asked shocked.

"Yeah I met her at the grill a few days ago, she's now my drinking buddy," Diana smirks.

"She's probably at the grill," Elena says.

"Thanks, Helen," Diana says speeding her way out of the house in the direction of the grill.


After drinking away with Jenna, Diana went back home to find Elena and Rose talking in the parlour.

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