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Season 4 Episode 5

DIANA groaned as light streamed through her curtains and cascaded over her face. She attempted to get up but a heavy arm dragged her back down by the waist. She turned to see the hybrid softly snoring on the other side of the bed. She tugged lightly at his arm to go and close the curtains but he just gripped her tighter.

She sighed in annoyance and levitated him in a swirl of red. She held him in the air quickly shutting the curtains and crawling back into the bed. She let him down and he immediately cuddled with her again.

Diana stared at him. There were no lines of frustration or anger present on his face, and his golden hair was a curly mess. The ringing of a phone disturbed the hybrid and he groaned and Diana laughed.

Klaus answered the phone and Diana sat on the bed boredly. When he finished he turned and smiled innocently at his wife.

"What do you want?"

"Can you teleport us somewhere?"

"I can't I promised to go out with Caroline today. Sorry," Diana smiled, "But I can open a portal for you." Klaus nodded and stood to get ready. Diana texted Caroline and asked what they were doing that day. When Klaus re-entered the bedroom he kissed Diana on the lips.

"Don't get into too much trouble," Klaus said.

"I should be telling you that," Diana kissed him again as she opened a red portal and he walked through it.


Diana had met up with Caroline and the two were now entering the Lockwood residence. She could hear Tyler talking to someone before Caroline stopped short and Diana walked into her back.

"For Hera's sake Care," Diana grumbled going around the girl only to see another girl standing against the door frame. She had long wavy brown hair and equally brown eyes. Diana glanced at Caroline's face which was full of confusion.

"Uh- Who are you?"

"Who the hell are you?" The girl asked.

"Caroline," Diana looked between the two as Caroline replied.

"Ah- You're Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Hayley," Diana eyed her warily. She didn't like her bitchy attitude.

"Well, Hayley that's pretty crazy. Because I haven't heard a thing about you," Caroline replied laughing lightly.

"I've been staying here a few days," Hayley replied as she looked around. Diana's eyebrows raised.

"Excuse me?" Caroline muttered.

"I need a place to crash. Ty's a buddy who was kind enough to offer," Hayley explained with a smile.

"I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't heard about you so how 'bout we cut the crap," Caroline demanded walking up to her.

"Yeah, I don't do teen drama," Hayley shook her head. "Take it up with Ty. Excuse me," She went to walk away but Diana grabbed her arm.

"That's strange seeing as you look like you're trying to stir up drama." The girl shrugged out of her hold and waltzed away.

The two vampires scoffed, "I don't like her," Diana declared as the two walked into the living room where Tyler, Hayley and one of Klaus' hybrids stood.

The three chatted whilst Diana and Caroline stayed silent.

"It's too dangerous that maniac already killed Nate-" Hayley started.

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