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"WELL hello to you to Uncle Hades. How are you, uncle Hades? I'm fine Diana how are you?" Hades said sarcastically. He dismissed the demon who scurried off, "Why do you want to see her?"

"She created the vampire that killed my mate," Diana seethed. Hades' eyebrows shot up and he looked into Diana's cold eyes seeing not many emotions. He quickly deduced that she shut them off partially and he nodded quickly and lead her outside to a large door. He pulled the door open and they descended spiral steps and into a tunnel.

Screams resonated from a part of the tunnel and Diana looked up at her uncle for an explanation.

"This is Tartarus. Though where I'm taking you is where the judgement takes place. She hasn't been judged yet." Hades told her.

"What about the other side?"

"Oh. That psycho, Qetsiyah made that after her fiance left her and slept with her handmaiden like 2000 years ago." Hades gossiped, "Anyway after they get judged if they're not in Tartarus, we allow them to look over their loved ones from wherever they are," Hades said as they stopped in front of a cell. "Here she is. Have at it." He handed her a key shaped like a skeleton and disappeared in blue smoke.

Diana pulled the metal door open and Esther looked up. She was the same. Diana expected souls to be see-through but Esther was as if she was still alive. The only exception was that she had no colour on her face and she was deathly pale.

"Hello, Esther. How was your death? I hope it was as enjoyable as getting ripped apart limb by limb by wolves." Diana spoke sadistically.

"What are you doing here?" Esther grumbled.

"Oh, nothing. Only came to torture your soul for the rest of your ghostly life," Diana confessed smiling crazily. She dragged Esther by the arm, her hounds following her, nipping at Esther's ankles, and followed the signs to the closest torture room.

Diana made the woman stand on a stool while she chained her up by her hands. Diana stepped back and marvelled at her work. She kicked the stool from underneath the woman and she dropped gasping.

"So I heard from a little birdie that you had Mister Alaric Saltzman kill my mate. Now I deal with him later but my main focus is you. How nice is that of me?" Diana smiled, "So we're gonna go on a bit of a journey together." Diana picked up a hunting knife and twirled it in her hand.

"You're psychotic," Esther spat breathless.

"I know." Diana launched the hunting knife at Esther and it embedded itself in her stomach. The woman screamed in pain and Diana looked at her giddy with excitement.

"I swear to Hades. I thought that knife was going to go right through you. Good thing it didn't it would make this so much harder," Diana laughed as her hounds barked happily feeding off her emotions through their bond.


Diana had hooked Esther up to electrical wires. They pumped through lightning instead of electricity though making it more painful. Diana however had ended up bored and dragged her back to her cell and took off. She dropped her hounds at Cerberus' dog house for him to watch them, and teleported to the Mikaelson mansion.

She talked to Rebekah and then the two sped to Wickery bridge. It was night time and the little light illuminated their faces. A car came around the bend and Diana focused her hearing and heard the whiny voice of the doppelganger and the football player. As they neared Diana sent a pulse of red energy to the tires causing the car to swerve and crash into the water below. The two females looked over the edge as the car drowned in the water and sped off.

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