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AFTER LOKI left Diana and Klaus had spent the day together talking about the drama that was going on in Mystic Falls. She had felt happy that she was spending time with her mate without the interruptions of other people. They spent an entire weekend wrapped up in each other.

Diana had also spent a lot of time with Caroline the next day after she had broken up with Tyler. As promised she, Rebekah and Caroline had gone clubbing that night and the two blondes had enjoyed themselves feeding on the compelled party-goers. They had run into Hayley a few times as well, the werewolf always glaring at Diana with hatred, Diana glaring back at her with malice.

However, after Loki's visit, Diana had decided to spend some time with her family up in Olympus. The relationship she had with her parents was strange. After all, they were only a year older than her as gods stopped ageing at 26 and she was 25. She acted as though she was more their sister than their daughter.

At the moment she was sitting around a table playing a card game with her parents, Hades, Loki and Aphrodite.

"Dammit!" Hades exclaimed when he lost to Loki. He had lost to everyone so far and he was still hoping he could make a comeback.

"Too bad old man. I would like my money tomorrow please." Loki snickered. "You would think the richest person would be the one that would know how to conserve their money and not lose in a card game."

Diana laughed as Ares spoke up, "He was always bad at cards."

"I am not bad at cards," Hades protested.

"From what I can see you are," Diana laughed again. Diana won something very significant in the round she won. The title of Princess of the Underworld. "I'm now royalty of two realms because of your bad playing."

"Whatever I'm done with this game," Hades complained gathering all the cards from everyone. "Let's talk about something more interesting. Like Diana's hybrid lover."

"Oh yes this shall be interesting," Loki smiled.

"Oh Gaea," Diana shook her head.

"Yes. Do tell," Aphrodite leaned closer.

"There's nothing to tell so can we change the subject."

"Fine. What happened to those brothers you said you have. We would like to meet them," Ares said.

"Sure. I can arrange something when they're not pining after the doppelganger." Diana offered.

"How about we go now," Hecate proposed.

"Oh well, I don't know."

"Yes, what an excellent idea Hecate," Loki smirked.

Loki walked around the table grabbing her arm and teleporting her outside the boarding house. Diana's eyes widened as he tugged her towards the door with her parents, Hades, Aphrodite and her parents following. Loki pushed the door open and Diana smiled at her brothers in the parlour.

"Surprise, I brought the family for you to meet," Diana smiled.

"Hi. I'm Aphrodite who are you handsome," Aphrodite flirted with Stefan.

"I'm Stefan," Stefan stared amazed at her.

"I'm Damon Salvatore who are you," Damon took the hand of Hecate.

"My mother," Diana deadpanned.

"Oh," Damon dropped her hand as Hecate stifled a laugh while Ares was unimpressed.

"So what's been happening here?" Diana asked as they sat on the couch.

"We found the cure. Katherine killed Jeremy. Elena's off her rocker and we have deep-rooted issues that need to be solved. And you've been gone for about two weeks." Damon explained.

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