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DIANA was sitting reading in the library when Klaus walked in with a sombre look on his face. His emotions poured into her mind and she frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I want you to go spend time with your family," Klaus expressed slowly.

Diana's eyes glimmered with confusion, "Why?"

"When Rebekah was filming Elena in the caves she found out that there is still white oak left. Meaning that we can still die," Klaus said looking at her intently to see her reaction, "I want you to go for your own protection."

"No. I can take care of myself. And if my family is in danger I'm going to stay here and protect them."

"Please love," Klaus begged.

"It doesn't matter you die, I die," Diana lied hoping he didn't know enough about mates to know she was lying.

"Don't lie, love, that's not how this works and you know it," Klaus reminded in amusement. Diana sighed and thought for a few moments.

"Please," Klaus pulled his puppy eyes and Diana gave in.

"Fine. But the slightest thing that happens I'm coming back." Diana chastised.

Klaus smiled in victory and kissed her forehead. He grabbed Diana's hand and sped them to his room getting a suitcase and throwing her things from her closet into it.

Diana sat on the bed amused, "You really want to get rid of me, huh?"

"No, I want you safe," Klaus countered stopping for a moment. He closed the two suitcases he had speed packed and ushered her to the backyard to call Heimdall.

"Call me on this number. You wouldn't be able to reach me otherwise," Diana said handing her husband a piece of paper with a number on it, "I expect a call every day and don't hurt my brothers."

Klaus reluctantly nodded and kissed her lips. She pulled away and backed away from him a little. She waved and tried calling Heimdall but he wasn't answering so she just shrugged and teleported to her room.

She walked towards the training room, the sound of fists hitting a punching bag resonating from it. She leant against the golden doorway seeing Thor punching the bag, hitting it hard enough for his hand to go through the bag.

"What did that bag do to you?" she questioned with a light chuckle.

"Nothing, Lady Diana. Just light sparring. You could always join me," Thor shrugged.

Diana nodded, "Ok."

The two got into a fighting position. Light punches and jabs were thrown but nothing too serious for either to be hurt.

Diana stopped suddenly.

"What is it?" Thor questioned.

"I-I-" Diana dropped to the ground, grey veins coating her skin as her body dessicated. Thor swore and picked her up, carrying her to her room.


The veins on Diana's body receded and she shot up gasping for air. Thor rushed to her side, "Are you okay?"

"I need to go home. See what's wrong." Diana expressed after finishing a blood bag.

"Yeah. I'll see you soon right?"

Diana nodded before teleporting to her room in Olympus gathering her belongings and teleporting to the large Mikaelson mansion.

She threw open the front door, "Bekah! Nik! Kol! Elijah!"

"Diana your back." Rebekah sped towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Bex, what's wrong? I desiccated."

"Nik is... Nik's dead," Rebekah said carefully.

Diana stood stiffly, "Who?"

"Alaric. I'm so sorry Ana. I tried I swear." Rebekah sobbed. Diana engulfed her in a hug and tears streamed down her deadset face. They migrated into the living room and Rebekah continued to cry. When she had calmed down slightly Diana looked at her.

"Tell me exactly what happened and everything that happened when I was gone." The two hounds sauntered into the room and Diana petted them lightly in greeting

Rebekah informed her that she was gone for two months. She told her about how the Scooby-Doo Gang killed Finn, about how her mother turned Alaric into a vampire, like her father and then finally Klaus' ultimate death.

Diana nodded blankly at all of these points, thinking. Rebekah eventually went up to sleep and Diana stared at the fireplace while sipping the bourbon she had gotten herself. When she finished drinking she looked down at her pets, "Let's go torture some souls."

She flashed the three into the underworld and entered the gates greeting Cerberus. Lightning crackled and screams echoed around the place. She waltzed into the palace and saw her great uncle on the throne glaring at a demon who was quivering in fear.

"I want to see Esther Mikealson."

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