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DIANA laid in her room rethinking her entire life. They had signed over the deed to Elena earlier this morning and after she went straight back to her room. She couldn't get over the fact that the people she thought were her parents, weren't. Even though they were extremely shitty she still loved them. She felt like a zombie and she didn't want to get up.

She finally decided to drown herself in bourbon so she walked out of her room, not even bothering to change the tank top and shorts she had slept in. As she entered Damon and Stefan look at her worried.

"Ugh, people," she exclaimed in disgust, "What are you doing here at this ungodly hour?" She walked over to the bar grabbing a bottle of bourbon.

"Good Morning Ana," Stefan said.

"No," She replied. "I believe the proper response is, good morning," Damon suggested.

"No," Diana shook her head.

"Yes but -" Stefan started.

"No," Diana denied. The other people that were in the room, Elena and Bonnie, were surprised.

"Ana, do you think it's a good idea to drink when you just woke up?" Stefan questioned wearily.

"Stop that it's too early in the morning for you to be so judgy."

"It's 3:30 in the afternoon, and you didn't answer my question," Stefan replied.

"On the contrary Bambi eater," Diana started, waving the bottle, "I want to drink my sorrows into oblivion and forget I'm in this God-forsaken town."

"What were you doing upstairs all this time anyway. I was seriously thinking you were dead up there," Damon interrupted.

"You know your day is off to a great start when you wake up and your first thought is 'no'," Diana started, "But you want to know what I was doing. I was staring into space and thinking about my life choices. You should try it sometime maybe it'll make you act less impulsively," Diana suggested flopping on the couch. Damon ignored her and brushed it off as her retaliating to the news she had received the previous night.

"Ok then," Elena said trying to diffuse the tension.

The front door opens and Klaus disguised as Alaric walked in, "Sorry I'm late."

Before anyone could reply Diana spoke up, "Don't worry sweetheart, I was too," she winked as she took a swig of bourbon. Klaus stares at her for a moment surprised that she was there. "Carry on with your Scooby-Doo gang meeting. Don't mind me."

As they carry on a new but familiar scent hit Diana's nose. She smirked at Alaric as he was the last one to enter.

"I need you to put Ana and me down to chaperone the dance. Klaus made his first move," Damon said to Alaric.

"Objection," Diana argued.

"Why not?" Stefan asked confused.

"I'm not going to some high school dance to protect a snotty stuck up doppelganger. If it came down to her and Nik, I would choose Nik any day," Diana sneered. Klaus internally smiled.

"Please Ana," Damon pleaded with puppy eyes. Diana huffed in annoyance and drank from the bottle ignoring the rest of the conversation mentally killing Elena.

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