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When Aaron woke up, the first thing he noticed was that John was wrapped around him like a koala. His husband snuffled into him adorably and Aaron practically melted.

The peace lasted all of five minutes. Their two daughters, Frances and Theodosia, ran into the room and jumped on the bed, startling John awake.

"Mmf," he mumbled from under Frances, and Aaron laughed quietly.

"Good morning," he said quietly, kissing John's cheek. John turned to face him, smiling tiredly.

"Mornin'," he replied, yawning a little. "What time is it?" Theo and Frances instantly looked guilty.

Frances jumped in before Aaron could reply. "We know you said that we weren't s'posed to come into your room until after eight, but we were boooored, and Theo was hungry," she defended.

Aaron looked at the clock blankly. "Girls, it's fine, it's literally five to eight," he told them, and they both heaved out sighs of relief. "Go get dressed while I get your dad up and then I'll make you breakfast," he instructed.

Theo let out a cute, "Kay," and scampered off, quickly followed by her older sister. When they were alone, Aaron got up on one elbow and began gently tracing patterns into John's arm.

"Stooooooop, you're gonna make me fall asleep again," John whined. Aaron smiled and kissed his husband gently.

John melted into it, smiling happily. "This is a nice way to wake me up," he remarked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Aaron looked at him lovingly. "You look beautiful," he whispered, and John blushed.

"I have sleep in my eyes, I know my hair's a mess, and I haven't shaved yet. How am I beautiful?" he asked.

Aaron leaned over and kissed him again. "You're always beautiful," he told him gently. "At least to me." John smiled.

"Yeah? Well, you're the most dashing gentleman I ever set eyes on," he flirted. Aaron laughed.

"Pity. I would have thought you'd have looked in a mirror at some point in your life," he shot back. John's blush was the most adorable thing in the world.

"You can't say I'm beautiful and dashing," he whined.

Aaron chuckled. "Says who?" he teased. John looked frustrated.

He replied, "I do," in the most bratty tone, and Aaron pecked his lips once more before standing up.

"In that case, I conceded," he bowed dramatically. "I live to serve you, my king." John giggled cutely and Aaron melted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go make our daughters breakfast," he exited dramatically, leaving John to get up himself.

He could picture John's pout easily. He went downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. The girls came running and sat at the table eagerly.

"Someone's hungry," he joked as the toast burst out of the machine. He reached for the chocolate spread he had sat next to the kettle when he started making his coffee.

Frances pouted the same adorable pout as her father, and complained, "We're starving." Theo nodded emphatically from her side.

"We are, Daddy," she agreed seriously. Aaron laughed and slid two plates down the table to the girls. They tucked in, and Aaron busied himself with pouring coffee for both himself and John, who slid into the kitchen in his socks and pyjamas.

"Mornin' y'all," he greeted as he walked over to Aaron. Frances and Theodosia mumbled out a similar greeting from behind their toast.

"Good morning darling," Aaron smiled at his husband who glided over to him. He offered him a mug but John ignored it, opting to wrap himself around Aaron's waist.

Aaron placed John's mug on the counter and held his own out of the way. "What are you doing?" he laughed.

John looked up at him adoringly. "Well, I heard you got a special someone on the side, Burr," he said, reminding Aaron of Alexander's wedding night.

"John, we're married. You're the "special someone on the side"," he deadpanned.

John laughed and leaned up to kiss him. "I know," he replied giddily. "Remember kids," he turned his attention to their children. "Find someone who makes you feel beautiful, appreciated, happy and special. In other words, find your father."

Theo and Frances both giggled at their dad's antics. Aaron forced the coffee mug into John's hand, and the latter automatically took a sip sobering up immediately.

"Okay, so what's on the cards for today?" he asked. Theo and Frances exchanged a look.

"Zoo!" they cheered. Aaron and John looked at each other.

Aaron stepped in. "Are you sure the zoo's where you want to go today?" he asked. The two kids nodded furiously.

"Zoo it is then," John cheered. Aaron sighed inwardly.

"I have three children that I love," he teased John, kissing him gently. Frances made a gagging sound that made Aaron laugh.

He wrapped an arm around John's waist as they separated. "Alright, go get ready then, all three of you. Frances, help Theo with her laces, John please put some clothes on," he sighed. 

John kissed him quickly and departed, running up the stairs. Frances grabbed her younger sister's hand they ran to the closet with their shoes. Aaron took a resigned sip of his coffee. Just another mad day, he thought wryly to himself as he poured the rest of the caffeine down the sink.

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