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Clutching tightly at my side, I watched as my companion, George Washington, rushed around the room with a grim determination, my heart aching at the sight, and at the knowledge that he was doing his best to hide how shaken he really was. His uncharacteristic silence and seriousness however, spoke volumes.

Unable to watch him like this any longer, I reached out and caught his sleeve as he next passed, my grip weak, but just enough to grab his attention. Instantly, George tried to gently pry my grip from his arm, trying to explain that he needed to hurry to stop the bleeding, only falling silent as I shook my head.

"There's no point," I rasped out weakly, though I regretted my poor choice of words moments later, as George's expression contorted in despair and mounting panic. A sight I never thought I'd see from him.

Hastening to correct myself, I tugged on his sleeve again, forcing him to look at me fully as I pulled my hand away from my wound.With a frantic curse, George swiftly reached out to cover the wound himself, only to look up at me in alarm as I gripped his wrist to stop him. His pleas nearly broke my heart, as did the sight of the tears he had been forcing back, finally rolling down his cheeks, though still I held fast.

"Just...watch," I breathed.

I know he could hear how breathless and faint my words were, but despite his mounting panic, he did as you asked. Silently I watched him, seeing the exact moment that he finally registered what he was witnessing. George's breath hitching in shock as he slowly peered closer. Under his watchful gaze, the wound in my side was slowly and steadily knitting closed, leaving behind tender, but unblemished skin.

I wasn't entirely sure what I had been expecting once I'd told him, though part of me expected him to recoil with horror and betrayal, over the fact that I'd kept this a secret from him for so long. But either way I was incredibly nervous about his reaction. The fact that George had actually opened up to me about his inhuman nature, just the day before, only made my secrecy feel like even more of a betrayal in my mind, my guilt and fear growing stronger with each agonising second of silence.

What I definitely hadn't been expecting however, was for George to cover my wound again carefully with a trembling hand, and then all but crush me to him in a desperate hug, his tears soon soaking my skin as he buried his face into my neck, murmuring almost feverishly in relief as it finally sunk in that I wasn't going to die.

For a creature that was cursed to endure immortality, it was no wonder George had been so terrified of losing me and being left alone all over again, especially since it had happened to them so many times before. It was a realisation that made me feel even more guilty for not telling him earlier when I had the chance, before he'd been forced to feel such utter terror.

Silently, I vowed to never hide such things from him again.

Prompts to https://write-it-motherfuckers.tumblr.com/post/631622160440541184/write-it-motherfuckers-clutching-tightly-at-your
For this entire one-shot. I know its short but it's something, right? By the way, the whole thing is in Lafayette's POV.

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