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George King had always had a thing for George Washington. Maybe it was because, as kids, they were the only two in their year that had shared a name. Maybe it was because Washington was hot as hell. Who knows.

George found his feelings strange and hard to deal with, so in 6th grade he pushed away his, at the time, only friend. Washington had been hurt but he'd found new friends in even higher circles than King's.

It took George years to work up the courage to talk to his old friend and even then it was only as adversaries. The two became infamous. Whenever their paths crossed, word spread throughout the school and everyone gathered to watch them fight.

George had earned his status through his family; his father was the principal teacher of their school. Washington had won the favor of his fellow students and steadily climbed the social ladder, working his way up to student council president.

King walked down the hallway with Samuel, one of the few other British people at their school. People whispered as he walked by, many looking at them with disgust.

"Why are they looking at us like that?" King whispered at Sam. Samuel winced and looked slightly pained.

"They're not looking at us," he started. "They're looking at you. Haven't you been on social media recently?"

"Nah, I deleted my accounts after that Hamilton kid in your year found my Twitter account and started leaving those bitchy messages on it. Why, what's happening?" King asked.

"I don't think you want to know," Samuel said hesitantly. "It's about Washington."

"In that case you know that I need to know," King replied. "C'mon Sam, talk to me. If it's about me then I deserve to know."

Samuel just sighed and handed George his phone. "Here, go ahead. Ruin your life if you want to. But you can't just-" Sam took a deep breath "-unread it. But I'm here for you, if you want me to be."

George looked down at the phone screen, tears slowly filling his eyes as he read the message posted by his long time enemy and crush. He threw Sam's phone back at him and ran out of the school. That was the first time George King left his school in tears but it was far from being the last.

~Time Skip~

The next incident didn't come until a few months later. King had barely attended school, struggling to keep his straight A grades. At first, Principal King (George's father) had tried to convince him to come back to school but to no avail.

Eventually, the teachers gave up and just sent him emails of classwork and homework and that was how George survived his first semester of junior year.

By the time his second semester rolled around, Principal King was done with his son's bullshit. "George William Fredrick King, you will come back to school and finish your junior year like a normal person. I don't know what prompted your sudden decision to quit school practically before it even began, but if you tell me we can deal with it," he tried to say.

George just ignored his father. "You can make me go back and you can pretend you understand, hell, you can pretend you care. It won't change anything. But I'll go."

Principal King was satisfied with his son's answer and assumed that he had won. However, the war was far from over.

George had barely been back five minutes and he was already being tormented. He had walked through the doors only to be greeted with whispers of, "Whore," and, "Fag." He managed to ignore them until he walked past Washington.

Washington was standing with Alexander Hamilton (his mindless lackey), John Laurens (reckless lil closeted gay shit), Marquis de Lafayette (all brawn, no brain) and Hercules Mulligan (same as the Marquis). Immediately three of five started yelling out slurs, John Laurens and George Washington being the only exceptions.

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