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A courier burst into John and Alex's shared tent. He held two envelopes in his hands and held one to each of the men.

Alex barely glanced up from his writing, muttering a quick thanks and going back to his document, while John smiled at the young boy and thanked him properly. The poor boy ran away from the tent again, off to deliver more of the mysterious envelopes he had in his bag, John suspected.

He opened his curiously, smiling at the contents of the short invitation. "Alex, Alex," he murmured urgently. Alex grunted to show that he had acknowledged John.

"Oh, Alex, just look at me for one minute," John requested exasperatedly. Alex hummed and held up one finger on his unused hand, John sighing in relief.

The smaller boy put his quill down and peered towards John. "What is it, my love?" he asked, standing and coming to sit next to John on his cot. John smiled and blushed at the term of endearment, still struggling to get used to the affection Alex showed him.

"Look," he said, offering Alexander his invite. "General Schuyler and his family have invited the entire army to his annual Winter's Ball. He invited my father one year before I left to go to London, and he took me. It was really fun, and General Schuyler has three daughters eligible for marriage I believe."

Alex smiled at his lover's rambling and cuddled into his side. "It sounds like you'll have a great time," he said. "Just don't fall for one of these 'eligible daughters' and go leaving me, alright?" he teased.

John laughed. "How could I? It's not like I possibly could, not when you're in your uniform next to me," he replied.

Alex frowned. "I'm not going to go, John," he told John quietly. John frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'You're not going to go'? Of course you're going to go, Lex. It wouldn't just be me who missed you. Laf would as well," he argued.

Alex just sighed and looked at the ground. "I have so many letters that General Washington needs to have written, and I have no desire to watch women throw themselves at you. I'd rather hang in the morning charged with sodomy, than watch you fall for someone it is socially acceptable for you to love. I believe that it is in my best interests to stay here, at camp," he explained.

John chuckled at his lover's foolishness. "Alex," he said softly. When Alexander refused to look at him, he realized that he was serious. "Alexander," John said more sternly. Alex continued to stare at the ground.

"Alex, come on," he coaxed. "Please just look at me." Alex sniffed loudly, and John realised he was crying. "Oh, Alex. My dear, sweet Alexander," he whispered. "Oh, it's alright. I'm here, I'm here."

John pulled Alex into his arms and held him there. "It's all okay, I promise, alright? I'm not leaving you," he soothed. Alex pushed John away and walked the short distance to his own bunk.

"But for how long?" he croaked. "How long until your father writes, and tells you to settle down with some nice girl or other? How long until you get tired of all the sneaking around, or even if we get caught? What then, Laurens? What then?"

Alex then proceeded to collapse on his bed, gather his pillow to his chest, and sob into it. John moved across the tent and laid Alex down so that he was lying with his head in John's lap.

"My father," John began, "Can stuff his fancy girls up his ass. He knows that I don't plan to marry and that the smartest thing to do is to rely on Henry for grandchildren. I will never grow tired of sneaking around, as long as I'm sneaking around with you and if we get caught? We die, but together. And I promise you, whatever form of afterlife is out there, I will find you. Because I love you Alexander Hamilton, and nothing, I mean nothing, is ever gonna change that," he promised.

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