Alexander Hamildad/Jamilton

908 19 21

"John," I tried. He continued ignoring me, tears streaming down his face. "John, please," I pleaded. Thomas stepped forward and put a hand on my arm.

"Please leave," he requested quietly. I moved away from him, upset. His face softened, just a little bit, and he reached for me again. "Alex, I'm sorry," he breathed as I stepped out of his reach.

I shrugged, grabbing my jacket. "Yeah," I scoffed, "Sure you are." Thomas's eyes filled with tears, but I did as I was told. I began to leave.

Before I could step out of the door I turned and asked, "Should I come and collect the things I need to raise my son, or will you send it to me later?" John barely raised his head.

"We'll send the stuff for your bastard over," he mumbled, burying his face into his knees again.

I shrugged again, stepping out of the house and shutting the door gently. I walked over to the car where Philip was waiting for me. "Papa?" he asked quietly.

I smiled and swung inside. "Yeah, Pip?" I replied, reaching back to tousle his hair. He giggled and leaned into my hand a little bit.

Then he continued, "Papa, are we ever gonna see Daddy and Dada ever again?"

I blinked back tears at his words and lifted my shoulders slightly. "I don't know Philip," I managed to get out.

When he saw what a mess I was, his face hardened. "If they made you this upset, then I hope we don't," he said, scowling. Somehow, my five-year-old's words were what finally tipped me over the edge and I started crying.

Philip reached forward between the two front seats and gripped my hand. "We're gonna be okay, Papa," he told me, slightly confident. "I promise."

~Time Skip~

I pulled up outside of Philip's school with a sigh. I'd been asked to come in for the second time this week and I already knew that something was wrong with my son.

I walked into the office, and the office staff recognized me right away. Not a good sign. "Right this way, Mr. Hamilton," one of the women said, ushering me towards the principal's room.

I walked inside and Philip immediately twisted in his seat to defend himself. Really not a good sign. I held up a hand to cut him off before he could say anything, and he turned back to his principal.

Mr. King rubbed his forehead with two fingers. "Mr. Hamilton, thank you for coming in again," he greeted heavily, gesturing to a seat next to Philip. "Please, sit down."

I sat down in the seat next to Philip, assumed my best lawyer posture, and leaned forward on my elbows. "Of course, Mr. King, I'm only sorry that I had to," I replied smoothly, glancing at my son.

Philip squirmed in his seat and looked up at me nervously. Oh god. Mr. King cleared his throat and continued, "Now, I'm sure you're eager to know why your son is back in here today."

I nodded, leaning back and throwing a leg across my knee, looking over at Philip for a second. He looked angry and I almost winced. "Mr. Hamilton, your son is in here because he punched a teacher," Mr. King said frankly.

My mind went blank, and I rounded on Philip with a simple, "What?" I gathered myself together and turned back to face Philip's principal. "He punched a teacher?" I confirmed. Mr. King nodded slowly.

I massaged my temple. "Right, what's his punishment? I'm figuring it's somewhere up with expulsion, but I haven't been to school for years and can't quite remember the protocol for when you punch. A. Teacher," I exaggerated every word.

Philip winced and looked ready to defend himself, but I silenced him with a quick glare. Mr. King cleared his throat and said, "We're suspending Philip for two weeks and when he comes back it's detention for a month."

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