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John curled up next to his soon-to-be fiance (hopefully). Thomas wrapped an arm around him absent-mindedly, throwing his phone to the side. "Hey doll," he said playfully, kissing John's forehead.

"Hey Tommy," John replied, even more chipper than usual. "What were you doing?" Thomas chuckled lowly and kissed his head again.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," he shot back teasingly. John whined playfully, hitting him gently.

Thomas didn't really want to tell John that he'd been looking at the picture of the engagement ring he'd bought. He couldn't stare at the real thing because John could have walked in on him at any moment and he wanted his proposal to be a surprise.

"Well, anyway, I was thinking, we haven't gone out on a date together recently and I was wondering if you'd like to go out? We could go to that French restaurant you like?" John suggested.

Thomas's eyes lit up at the mention of his favourite restaurant, Les Bonnes Assiettes. (The Good Plates) (If anyone gets that reference I swear-). "Really? I mean, you hate that place. And we did a "me" date last time. You pick this time," he said, wanting to make tonight special for John.

John giggled. "Nah, I just want you to be happy. Whatever you want. I'll survive that evil food," he teased, fake-gagging at the thought of French food. Thomas rubbed his nose against his boyfriend's head.

"John-" he started to protest John's choice, but the younger man cut him off.

"Thomas, tonight's gonna be your night, no matter what. If you really want me to choose then, oof, I don't know. But I promise I'll make a decision," he said, kissing Thomas gently.

He thought for a minute before his face lit up. "Ooh, can we go to that Italian restaurant Alex works at on weekends?" John asked, his entire face alight. Thomas laughed deeply, nodding his head.

"If that's what you want to do, then of course. I'll see if I can make a booking for, let's say-" Thomas glanced at the clock "-six?"

John nodded, bouncing up and kissing Thomas's cheek with a grin. "Ok! You do that and I'm gonna go take a shower! See you in a while," he said, standing up and walking towards the bathroom, blowing Thomas a kiss from the door.

Thomas laughed and looked up the number. He waited patiently as the phone rang. After three rings, someone picked up. "Hi, welcome to Italianops! What can I do for you today?" A familiar chipper voice said.

"Alexander?" Thomas asked.

There was a moment of silence and then, "Thomas? Oh, thank god, I don't think I could've done that fake voice for much longer. What can I help you with?" Thomas laughed a little at Alex.

"I wanted to make a booking for tonight, if that's ok?" he held his breath while Alex muttered and flipped through a book.

"Umm, yeah, that's fine. We have a spot available at six, if that suits you. I assume it's a table for two, you and John?" he asked.

Thomas nodded in response, forgetting that he was on the phone and Alex couldn't see him. "Umm, Thomas, you there?" Alex checked.

"Oh yeah! I just forgot that we were having a phone conversation and you couldn't see me nodding. But, yeah, six suits us. John wanted to go out on a date and who am I to refuse him?" he asked with a laugh.

Alex laughed too. "Ok, you guys have a booking for six with yours truly as your server this evening and a private booth under the reservation name Jefferson. See you then?"

"See you then."

~Time Skip to Six~

"Hi we have a reservation under Jefferson?" Thomas said smoothly to the girl running the entrance till thingy. She scanned the list and yelled for Alex over her shoulder.

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