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John stood on the trio's balcony, looking into the dark sky. Thomas came out and wrapped his arms around his youngest boyfriend's waist.

He sighed as he rested his chin on John's shoulder. "The stars sure are beautiful tonight," he murmured, nudging his nose into the crook of John's neck.

John chuckled and turned his head slightly to look back at Thomas. "Yeah, they are," he sighed contentedly. "What about it?" he asked, turning back to said stars.

"You wanna know who else is beautiful?" Thomas asked, a slightly teasing tone in his voice. John just smirked and looked back at him. "C'mon, humor me," Thomas requested.

John rolled his eyes. "Fine, who?" he questioned amusedly. Thomas beamed back at him.

"Alex," he announced proudly. John laughed, not expecting Thomas to say their other boyfriend.

"I can't argue with that," he admitted. "He is beautiful." A sound from behind the two startled then and they whirled around, shocked at what they saw.

Alex had emerged from his home office without his coffee mug. Thomas stepped back inside, John following closely. "Whatcha lookin' for, Lex?" Thomas asked, unnaturally shy, his southern accent suddenly very prominent.

Alex whirled around at the sound of another human voice. His face broke into a smile when he saw his lovers. "Well, you two, duh," he chirped. John felt a blush errupt over his face at the sound.

Thomas scoffed slightly and Alex raised an eyebrow, stepping towards him. "What? Did you really think that I'd let you celebrate my favourite holiday without me?"

Thomas rolled his eyes. "I mean, you did spend Christmas in your office alone, apart from when we opened presents, straight after we woke up. It wouldn't surprise me if you spent New Years Eve locked in your office too," he complained.

Alex smile had been slowly falling off his face, and John was sad when his face was as serious as it had been the day the two had first met. John recalled the cold winters day fondly.

John had been racing through campus, hoping to get out of the cold and into Thomas's arms as soon as possible. He'd crashed into a small ball of rage, and said small ball of rage yelled at him for at least five minutes straight.

To apologise, John invited the man that he was already practically in love with for coffee. Alex's face, which had been deadly serious, lit up for a moment at the mention of the hot beverage.

Then he seemed to remember that he was mad at John and his face fell back into his impassive expression. "I mean, yeah, sure, whatever," he muttered. "That would do."

And that was the moment John knew he was doomed.

Zoning back into the present, Alex and Thomas were still staring at each other, seemingly having a contest to see who could act like they cared less. John rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on guys," he snapped. "I don't want to go into the new year with all of us arguing. Please, just try to act like a normal couple."

Alex snorted. "Ah yes, let's act like a normal couple. Because there's totally only two of us. I mean, maybe that's how things should be. We're hardly normal after all," he said. He had started off sarcastically, but John picked up on a hint of uncertainty in his tone towards the end of his statement.

John started towards him, but, much to all three's surprise, Thomas got there first. "Hey, Alex. No. Don't, don't do that, okay? Things were different when it was just me and John, but it wasn't necessarily a good different. I love you though sweetheart, don't be mad," he added quickly, turning to John, who simply shook his head and gestured for him to keep going.

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