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Alex had been in love with John since the beginning of time. The only person who didn't seem to realize this was John.

The two boys were best friends, rarely apart. To everyone, it seemed like they were endgame. To everyone. . . but John. 

It wasn't like John was stupid. He had graduated with the fourth-highest grades in his year group, only being beaten by Alexander, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson, in that order.

No, John wasn't stupid. He was just oblivious. And now Alex and John were off to college, and everyone was beginning to wonder if Lams had just been a fantasy.

Alex was miserable. He'd told John so many times that he loved him, and every time John just got further and further from the truth. He was starting to think that it might be easier for him to just give up. Then Lafayette came to him with the news.

"Alex! Alexander Hamilton, you won't believe what I just heard!" Laf yelled across the park, running towards his friend. 

Alex turned to him in surprise. "What is it Laf?" he asked. Laf just grinned at him for a moment, panting and trying to catch his breath.

Then he straightened up, leaned close, and said in his ear, "John's supposedly got a crush on an old friend!" Then he stood back just in time to see the color drain from Alex's face. "What? Mon ami, this is good news, non?"

Alex shook his head and pointed behind Laf. "No Laf," he whispered. "It's not good news at all." John was with Francis Kinloch, an old family friend that John had known even longer than Alex.

John suddenly spotted the two, and waved at them cheerfully, dragging Francis over by the arm. "Alex, Laf!" he called out giddily. "Have you guys met Francis yet? He's back in town for the summer from college. He goes to the same place we're headed Alex, isn't that great?"

Alex made a strangled noise and turned his face away, trying to compose himself. You're going into politics, you need to know how to pretend to like someone, he reminded himself, before turning back with a beaming grin on his face.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure," he lied sweetly. "Alexander Hamilton, my friends call me Alex but you can call me Alexander." John punched his arm light-heartedly, giggling. 

"Alex is completely ridiculous," he teased, and Alex felt his smile grow strained for a second. 

Francis took the hand Alex offered and shook it slowly. "Charmed. I'm Francis Kinloch, John's-" he hesitated, a smirk appearing on his face "-friend," he introduced himself.

Laf introduced himself quickly and made a show of looking at his wrist. "Well, would you look at the time! Alex and I have to get going! Busy day, you know?" he laughed nervously. "Come along Alexander! Bye John, farewell. . . Francis."

With that outstanding performance over, he grabbed Alex's arm and dragged him out of the park. "Well done, mon ami," he muttered to Alex as they walked away. "You'll make an excellent politician."

Alex's laugh was choked, and Laf realized the smaller man was going to cry. He looked around, making sure that Francis and John were out of sight, before pulling his friend in for a hug.

"Oh, Alexandre," he murmured, rocking the small person gently. "It's going to be alright."

Alex laughed hurriedly. "He's going to the same college as us Laf, I'm never gonna see John again," he sobbed. Laf shushed him and held his face against his chest.

After a few minutes, Alex's tears died down and he pulled away from Laf, wiping his eyes with a small laugh. "I'm okay Laf, honestly. I might find out if I can go to New York a few weeks earlier than planned, get used to being without friends," he said.

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