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-Third Person POV-

John was just casually sitting on the couch, flicking mindlessly through a magazine when a human tornado known as Alexander Hamilton stormed into their shared dorm and face-planted onto his bed. John didn't even look up, he just asked, "Bad day?"

In a flash, Alexander was complaining about everything. John wasn't even sure if he was speaking English the whole time. All he heard was, "Jefferson blah blah blah, and then Washington gave me an A- on that pop quiz, so naturally blah blah blah and then he just blah blah blah," until John eventually put the magazine down. 

"Alex, sweetie," he said, turning around. "First of all, Jefferson never changes. All you gotta do is ignore him and he'll leave you alone. Secondly, an A- is nothing to be annoyed about. I'm barely making B's and you-" he scoffed, not finishing his sentence. "And thirdly, I get that you had a bad day, so do you want anything in particular? Anything at all?"

There was silence for a minute and John assumed that Alex didn't want him to do or say anything at the moment, so he turned back around and switched on the TV, flipping to a random channel that had a show Alex had been watching lately on. 

The two boys remained completely silent for almost an hour. Then Alex quietly made his way round to the couch and stood next to John. He mumbled something under his breath that John didn't quite hear. 

"What was that Lex? I didn't hear you," John said, pulling the younger boy round to sit on the couch next to him. 

Alex spoke louder. "I said, you know how you said you'd do something for me?" John nodded slowly, slightly confused. "Well, did you mean it?" He nodded again. "Cuddles," Alex muttered, looking away from his best friend. 

"What? Puddles? Alex that doesn't even make sense," John said, slowly getting exasperated with his roommate. Alex shook his head, looking like he was about to cry. 

"Not puddles, cuddles," he said, hugging his knees to his chest and looking at the floor. "I just really, kinda want you to hold me just now." He looked embarrassed and John flushed. 

"Oh, um, alright then." He pulled Alexander close to his body, feeling the warmth of his skin press against him. Alex made a small squeaking noise and instantly covered his mouth. 

"Th-thanks. I wouldn't have asked, it's just, I really, really feel like shit. And I just, I don't know, craved human touch? No, that sounds stupid. I'm stupid. I'm sorry for bothering you with all my problems. I should've just-" Alex rambled on and on until John pressed a hand over his mouth.

"Alex, shut up. There's a turtle documentary on and I'm going to watch it and I'd like to listen. I really don't mind you talking to me about your day, whether it's been crummy or great. I like listening to you talk. It's soothing," he admitted. Alex felt a light blush come onto his face.

"R-really?" he asked through John's hand, turning his face up to the taller boy. John just nodded and moved his hand from Alex's mouth and wrapping that arm around him. 

"Really. Now please, for once in your life, shut up," John pleaded as he strained to catch whatever the presenter was saying.

Alex giggled and said, "Okay," before snuggling into John's side and falling asleep almost instantly. John looked down and felt his whole body soften at the sight of the small workaholic sleeping for once. 

He prayed that Laf and Herc didn't show up and wake him, but he didn't want to move to text them and risk waking Alex, so he just left it in the hands of fate. 

~Time Skip~

A couple of hours later, the documentary was long done, but John didn't want to wake the sleep deprived boy by moving to get the remote. Therefore, he had watched about ten episodes of a mindless sitcom and if he saw another one, people were going to die.

He gently eased his arms from around Alex and stood up, cracking his back as quietly as he could. Somehow, Alexander was still asleep. John picked him up carefully and carried him over to his bed, placing him down gingerly.

Alex stirred slightly as his back hit the mattress and John sucked in a breath the way that you do when you're playing Jenga and something moves while you're taking a block out. Thankfully, Alex settled down again, automatically curling into a protective ball. 

John stood and watched him adoringly for a moment before shaking his head and snapping himself out of it. What the hell was that? What was he thinking? Why was he creepily watching Alex sleep? He shrugged, and walked over to their small kitchen, starting to boil the kettle to make some hot cocoa.

As he did, he checked his phone, wincing at the amount of messages from his friends. He fired off a quick messages to Lafayette, since he seemed the most worried, explaining about how Alex had fallen asleep. A sceptical Lafayette demanded evidence. 

John sighed, rubbing his temples. He tiptoed back into their main room, the one with the couch and the beds and stuff. He crept over to Alex's side, taking a quiet photo of him. He sent off to Laf quickly. He got a ":o" in response.

LaBaguette: 😮

Turtleboi: see? he's literally passed out lol


Turtleboi: hey herc and yes


NonStop: Would you guys pls go on private instead of the fucking group chat

Turtleboi: Alex? i thought you were asleep?

NonStop: I was until you all started fucking talking

LaBaguette: Alex, mon ami, you talk the most out of all of us

NonStop: Shut the fuck up you guys

John snickered and walked back to Alex who smiled at him tiredly. "Hey," he greeted John, yawning, his old Caribbean accent slipping into his voice. 

"Hey, you," John chuckled. "How you feeling now?" Alex rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he shrugged. They both laughed. 

"I feel better," he admitted. "It's been a long time since I've slept that long." John's eyebrows squinted and he frowned. Before he could argue or say anything, Alex pressed their lips together quickly and awkwardly.

John pulled away first, looking at Alex through wide eyes. Alex, on the other hand, was completely calm, watching John the way that John watched turtles (and Alex). "You just kissed me," John said. Alex rolled his eyes.

"How observant of you John, I hadn't noticed," he replied sarcastically. "Would you mind pointing out the obvious next time too?"

"There's going to be a next time?" John asked, hope shiny through in his voice. Alex cracked a small smile. 

"I mean, if you want there to be then yes, yes there will."

"I would like that. I'd like that very much." 

"Cool. How do you feel about dinner? I was thinking next week, reservation for six on Wednesday? Well, when I say six I mean the time being six. A booking for two, at six, on Wednesday. I mean, obviously, we don't have to, but it's just that-" 

"Wednesday, six, table for two. I'll book it?" John interrupted before Alex could ramble on for too long. Alex shut his mouth and nodded, a smile lingering on his face. "Great."

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