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This is a vampire/hunter au based off of the song May I Have This Dance by Reinaeiry. The song is attached above.

Alex smirked as a young man entered the street. Perfect, easy prey. He started following him furtively.

The man looked around him skittishly. Alex wanted to laugh. Aww he was nervous.

The man turned around, continuing to look for him. Alex smirked and stepped out of the shadows. "Hey," he purred. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here? Don't you know that it's dangerous to be out so late at night?"

He didn't bother forcing any real concern into his voice. This was likely just going to be another meal. The man looked on edge.

Alex continued, "Be careful. Before the night is done you might end up on someone's plate." He flashed a smile, showing off his fangs and he heard the man's barely audible gasp. "So you best be running," he lilted. "Because I like the chase."

The man continued to stand there. Urgh. He was either heroic (dull) or stupid (more dull). Alex drew his sarcasm close and said, "I'll give you one, two, three; a headstart."

The man finally took the hint and started running. While he waited (because he was a monster of his word), Alex hummed an old, familiar tune to himself. "Four, five, six, your fear's intoxicating," he sang out into the alleyway the man had run into.

He prowled through it, keeping his ears attuned for the slightest little sound. As he did so, he carried on speaking. "Look, I don't know if this is a fair game, but you smell so good, so it's you to blame," he justified.

A light scoff came from behind a dumpster and Alex pounced behind it, laughing delightedly when he saw the spot was empty. "You can try to run, it makes it all the more fun when I finally catch up to you," he told his prey. "So, little rabbit, do you dance, do you?" He finally peered over the top of a dustbin lid at his dinner.

~POV Swap~

John cursed himself silently. He knew he shouldn't have stayed so late, his shift had ended hours ago, but one of the night nurses had been running late and he wouldn't just leave them short handed.

He was vaguely aware of someone following him, but when he looked there was no one there. A vamp then, he decided grimly. It wasn't often he had to use the skills picked up from his weekend job, but when the occasion called for it...

The vampire in question seemed to enjoy toying with him. He let John go with a three second head start, no where near enough to survive, but enough to instill hope into an average human's heart. Immediately his own hardened. He was going to kill this sick bastard if it was the last thing he did.

John took off into an alleyway. He found himself a temporary hiding spot, vowing to escape the alley once the vamp was distracted.

Can't breathe, can't move, can't make a sound, he reminded himself. Don't even know if he's right behind me, he thought humourlessly. His head was heavy and his hands were shaking. He was stuck in this hell and a quick look told him there was no escaping.

The vampire was trying to walk at a human speed, but it still moved too fast and John knew he was moving in slow motion in comparison.

He heard the monster sing something about the situation his fault, and automatically scoffed, stiffening when he realised his own mistake. John ducked back down immediately and started to move to behind another trash can.

He watched with wide eyes as the vampire peered at the spot he'd been mere seconds ago. This was his world, John realised. It's his world and I'm drowning in his ocean.

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