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I walked into Charles' house in tears. Stupid 'King' George with his stupid speeches. 

Stupid Alexander Hamilton with his rapid-fire comments. 

Stupid George Washington making Alexander be there in the first place. 

Charles must have heard the door slam, because he yelled out a cheerful "hello". I walked past the sitting room, muffling my sobs as best as I could. I must have managed, because Charles didn't come out to check on me. 

I ran upstairs, desperate to hide in my bed and rage and cry at no one until I was calm again. However, my boyfriend knows me too well. I usually go straight to wherever he is and cuddle with him when I get home from work. 

So, naturally, he worried when I ignored him and went to my room immediately. I'd just curled up under the covers, completely ready to let all of my tears out, when he knocked on the door. "Baby?" he called, concern laced through every fibre of his voice. "Baby, what's wrong?" 

When all he got in answer was a strangled sob, he obviously came in to make sure I was alright. "Baby, what happened?" he asked. I turned over in my bed to face him. He gasped as he saw how red and swollen my eyes were and grabbed my hand. 

"Who did this?" he asked, his voice steady, but I easily picked up on the undertones of anger in his voice. 

"Alexander," I whispered, nearly wrecking my little composure at the mere mention of him. "And George, and Washington." He pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back soothingly. 

"You want me to go kill them for you?" Charles asked, careful to keep his voice quiet and soothing. I shook my head into his chest. 

"Killing them wouldn't do much, Charlie," I replied, my voice hoarse from crying for so long. He sighed, pulling my even closer. "No, but it would make me feel better," he admitted, kissing the top of my head. 

I giggled a little, the sounds catching him off guard. "Why would it make you feel better silly boy?" I asked, trying to stop myself from laughing as he pressed feather-light kisses all over my face and neck. I tried to squirm away when he started tickling me. 

"It would make me feel better, because they wouldn't be around to be mean to you anymore. And George wouldn't be able to flirt with you anymore. And it would break John Laurens precious little heart to lose his stupid little boyfriend," he growled, tickling me more fiercely. 

"What do you mean, George flirts with me?" I asked, gasping for air. "And you're right. He is little." Charles fell apart laughing with my stupid little pun. I instantly went in for the attack, lining his neck with kisses, my bad mood forgotten. 

"How," he kissed a different bit of my skin each time he said a word. "Can. You. Not. Notice? It's not like he tries to hide it or anything," Charles complained. "He does it all the time. Sometimes it makes me worry that I'm going to lose you to him."

"Of course you're not going to lose me, Charlie! I love you and I don't love him. I'd never just go," I whispered, cupping his cheek. He blushed as he looked into my eyes. 

"I love you too," he whispered back, kissing my lips gently.


Ok, ok this was short, I apologise. I just didn't really have much inspiration for this.

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