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For @crosssnas, the first person to request something on this! Please request stuff, it might take a while, but I will get around to doing your request (and isn't cause I'm flooded with requests, I'm just really picky about what fic for what ship) 

Aaron took a deep breath and stepped into General Washington's tent. "Your Excellency, sir," he addressed him. Washington barely sighed, not bothering to look up. 

"Who are you?" he asked tiredly, annoyance filtering through his voice. Aaron smirked to himself. 

"Aaron Burr, sir," he struggled to stay straight-faced as George's head snapped up to his lover. "Permission to state my case?"

Realizing what Aaron was trying to do, Washington smiled, waved his quill vaguely in Aaron's direction, and told him, "As you were."

Aaron stepped forward slightly, ignoring the improper etiquette. "Sir, I was a captain under General Montgomery until he caught a bullet in the neck at Quebec and, well, in summary, I think that I could be of some assistance," he started.

George raised an eyebrow. Burr hurried to add on, "I admire how you keep firing on the British from a distance." George scoffed. "I have some questions, a couple of suggestions? On how to fight instead of fleeing west."

George sighed boredly. It seemed that Aaron was genuinely here on war business. "Yes?" he asked impatiently. Aaron opened his mouth to talk, when who should burst in but Alexander Hamilton?

"Your Excellency, you wanted to see me?" Hamilton asked breathlessly, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Aaron noted how Alex studiously ignored him, all his attention on the general. 

Washington smiled, the same smile he gave Aaron when they first met. "Hamilton, come in, have you met Burr?" he asked, gesturing to the corner Aaron had wedged himself into. Alexander turned around and seemed to notice his acquaintance for the first time.

"Yes, sir, we keep meeting," the two said in unison, Hamilton sounding relatively enthusiastic about it, and Aaron as though he'd just swallowed a lemon. He was slightly hung up on the last name basis George had kept up in front of Alex. 

Trying to regain control of the situation, he tried again, "As I was saying, sir, I look forward to seeing your strategy play out." 

George forced an annoyed look on his face. Well, it didn't take much forcing. "Burr?" he inquired. 

"Sir?" the man replied, confused. 

"Close the door on your way out," George requested, turning his attention back to Hamilton. Aaron felt like he'd been hit by a bullet. 

But he nodded stiffly and grudgingly saluted before walking out of the tent, his back like a metal pole. George turned back to Alex and the two started talking almost before Aaron was out of the tent. 

Aaron felt angry tears spring to his eyes and he shut them tightly to avoid crying here in the open. He hurried back to his newly solo tent since Lee had recently moved out into his new, slightly bigger tent due to his newfound status as General. 

He sat down on his cot and fought back the tears. George, his lover, had just rejected him like he was nothing. Aaron quietly put his head between his knees and ignored the cheers from outside as the Hamilsquad (or seemingly the whole army) was celebrating Alexander's new position as Washington's "right-hand man". 

He even heard his general announce it to everyone, and Aaron felt like sobbing. Instead, however, he took deep breaths and focused on the sound of his heart thumping through his chest. 

He barely registered his tent flap opening and shutting, and was honestly scared when the bed shifted under someone new's weight. Aaron didn't bother opening his eyes to see who it was. It was either Hamilton come to gloat, or George and Aaron didn't want to see either of them.

"Aaron," a low, quiet voice spoke his name gently. George then, Aaron thought to himself. George repeated his name slightly louder. "Aaron," he said. 

For a moment, Aaron considered biting his tongue and not snapping, but he knew that his silence would be less helpful than a snappy remark. "Oh, so you remember my first name now?" he sassed, and George growled lowly. 

A tense moment passed and Aaron waited for repercussions for snapping at his dominant lover. Before anything could happen, however, Aaron let out a quiet sob, one that he'd been holding in, and would have continued to hold in had he not decided to snap at George.

Another tense moment and Aaron felt himself tighten at the silence, another sob making its way past his lips without his consent. When George continued to leave the silence silent, a whimper was ripped out of his throat, and that was what broke George. 

Arms wrapped around Aaron and pulled him tightly against a body, not leaving any room for argument or for Aaron to wriggle away. George still didn't say anything, he merely held Aaron against his body while the younger male sat there frozen. 

"It's alright, you can cry if you want," George whispered, voice coming out slightly choked due to his throat starting to close up. 

Seemingly, that was all Aaron needed, because the next thing out of his mouth wasn't coherent, Aaron wasn't even sure it was human. George rocked the smaller male as he sobbed. 

When Aaron had finally calmed down enough to have a rational conversation, George had managed to get the tightness in his own throat slightly under control. "We should talk about this," George acknowledged. 

Aaron just whimpered and buried his face into George's jacket, and the taller man softened. "But we don't have to right now," he offered. Aaron shook his head.

"No, we should talk about it just now while it's fresh," he argued. George sighed and gently pulled his lover onto his lap.

"Alright, if that's what you want," he agreed, pressing a kiss to the top of Aaron's head. Aaron just nodded and snuggled into his lover's warmth. 

"It is," he murmured. 

George leaned against one of the support poles of the tent and asked, "Why were you so upset when I came in?"

Aaron let out a sigh. "Multiple reasons. Because you promoted Alex when you knew I wanted to work with you, because you called me by my surname in front of Alexander, because you looked at Hamilton the way you looked at me once," he shrugged. "Dumb stuff really."

George shook his head. "Aaron, sweetheart, if you ever feel upset because of something, it isn't dumb. Your feelings matter to me. Do you want to know why I did that stuff?" he asked. 

Aaron nodded miserably. "I didn't promote you because I knew that if I was going to be working with you, nothing would ever get done. I know that you're just as competent as Alexander is, I never doubted that.

"Second, I called you by your surname in front of Alex because neither of us wants anyone to ever find out about this. If I'd called you Aaron, there's a high chance he would have caught on. He is an intelligent boy after all.

"And, I'll be honest with you Ron, I don't remember how I looked at Alexander the way that I look at you because unless I had the most loved up expression on my face, it would be nowhere near the looks I give you," George said sheepishly. 

Aaron giggled. "I meant that you looked at him the way you looked at me the first time we met," he explained. George's mouth formed an "oh" shape that made Aaron laugh again. 

"I can understand why you would get upset over that," George admitted. "The first time I saw you, the first thing I thought was that I wanted you. And I suppose that I do want Alexander, from a purely professional point of view," he rushed to assure Aaron when his boyfriend's face furrowed.

"But I swear Aaron, you've held my heart since the day we first met and will continue to hold my heart until the day you tire of me."

Aaron smiled a warm, genuine smile. "I believe you," he murmured, burrowing even further into George's clothes. "And I'll never tire of you, never." 

"Good," George grumbled. "I don't want you to tire of me. I love you."

"I love you too." 


Ok, this wasn't my best work, but it came out a lot better than I thought it would, so tada!

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