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Requested by Persassy-Junior

Thomas lay in bed, doodling on Angelica's back absent-mindedly. She sighed contentedly and wriggled around to bury her face in his chest.

"Mornin' darlin'," he said, his voice deep and sleep-filled. She mumbled something illegible back, before freezing and tensing up.

She sat up and glared at him. "Jesus Christ, Thomas! What the fuck?" she exclaimed. Amgica got out of bed and reached for a hoodie she had hanging on the back of a chair not far from her bed.

Thomas was confused. "What? Why are you mad at me?" he asked, bewildered. Angelica sighed and rolled her eyes, storming out of her bedroom and walking downstairs to her kitchen.

Thomas followed. "Really, why are you mad?" he asked. Angelica whirled around from where she'd been putting bread in the toaster.

"You have got to stop breaking into my house, Thomas," she said exasperatedly.

Thomas suddenly smirked. "Wouldn't have to if you'd just give me a key," he sing-songed. Angelica scoffed in response. "For real, darlin'-"

"I'm not your darling," Angie cut in.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "For real, Angelica, we're friends. Please just give me a key to your house," he pleaded.

Angelica groaned, massaging her temples roughly. "Just because we're friends doesn't mean you have the right to break into my home, Thomas," she pointed out.

Thomas sighed. "And I'm telling you that I'll stop breaking in if you just give. Me. A. Key," he stressed every word in the last bit of the sentence.

"And I keep telling you. I. Won't. Give you. One," she mocked. Thomas growled and stormed off. Angelica crumpled into a chair.

~Two Weeks Later~

It had been a couple of weeks since Thomas had last broken into her house and Angelica hoped that maybe she'd finally gotten it into his head that it wasn't okay.

Now that she was comfortable in her home, she brought a guy back. Just a one-night stand, nothing particularly special, but she hadn't gotten laid in so long.

The couple stumbled through the door, giggling, and Angie pulled the guy, Aaron? Up to her bedroom. She opened the door and the two fell backward onto her bed, making out.

A throat was cleared from across the room and Angie felt her soul freeze. "Oh hell no," she snarled, pushing Aaron off of her and grabbing Thomas by the front of his coat. "The fuck are you doing here? I told you to stop breaking in."

Thomas chuckled. "Like that would stop me," he sneered.

Aaron asked uncertainly, "Should I call the police?" Angelica's eyes grew wicked as she considered calling the cops. Then she sighed and regretfully let go of Thomas.

"No, it's fine, we wouldn't want to waste their time," she sighed. Thomas smirked. "Please get out," she requested, pointing at the door. "You're not welcome here."

Thomas sighed as he walked to the door. "Yeah, that much was obvious," he muttered.

Angelica called out, "Wait!" before he could actually leave.

Thomas turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?" he asked.

Angelica sighed before suggesting, "Why don't you come over tomorrow and we'll talk?" Thomas grinned widely.

"That sounds cool," he replied, trying to be nonchalant and failing horribly. "Let's say three?"

Angelica shut her eyes and breathed deeply, nodding. Thomas smirked and walked to the window. "See you tomorrow then, milady," he bade her farewell before falling sideways off the building.

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