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Peggy jumped up onto the fountain basin before leaping over to the podium that held the statue. "Angie, Liza, take a picture of us!" she yelled, grabbing the stone hand and kissing it's cheek.

Angelica chucked and pulled her phone out, snapping a couple of pics. "My turn!" she cheered, climbing up next to Peggy and shoving her off. Peggy humphed and sulked next to Eliza.

"Cheer up Peglegs. You're dating Laf anyway, you turning out to be the statue's soulmate would have been a teensy bit awkward," Eliza joked.

Peggy smiled at her older sister as she took pictures of Angelica. When the eldest Schuyler slipped down, Peggy pushed Eliza in the direction of the famed statue.

"It's your turn Liz!" She cheered. Eliza shook her head, a soft smile on her face. "Oh come on, I'm dating Laf and Angie's straight and both of us did it," Peggy pointed out.

"Fine," Eliza gave in. Careful not to touch the statute, Eliza started her ascent. Wrapping her arms around the statue the way she would if she had a girlfriend, Eliza reached for the famous hand.

Seconds later, Eliza fell backwards with a person clutched in her arms, Peggy's boyfriend barely catching the two before they hit the ground. The crowd in the plaza crowded around the girls on the ground, murmuring among themselves.

Homophobes jeered some slurs but Eliza barely heard them, she was so busy taking in the face of the young woman in front of her. "Hey," she said quietly. "Are you alright?"

The girl looked disorientated and confused. "What's going on?" she asked. "Where am I?" Eliza explained everything to her in a low voice, trying not to scare or startle the ex-statue.

"So.... You're my soulmate?" The girl asked hesitantly. Eliza nodded. "Oh. Wow. I, gosh, that's a lot to take in Eliza. I-I need some air."

Eliza chucked. "We're outside," She pointed out.

"Yeah but, aren't you struggling to breathe with all these people around us?" The woman asked, fanning herself nervously. Eliza shot Lafayette a look and he started clearing the people away.

"Is that better?" she asked. The girl nodded.

"I'm Maria, I don't think I introduced myself. That was dreadfully impolite of me," she apologised.

"You already know my name," Eliza chuckled. Maria blushed. "How long were you in that statue?"

"I'm not sure. Last time I checked it was 1828 I think," she shrugged.

"Geez, that was almost 200 years ago. 200 years in nine years I think," Eliza told her. Maria's eyes widened.

"So you mean everyone I knew back then is gone?" she asked. Eliza winced.

"Well, yeah. I'm really really sorry. I know you must have had people you really cared about. Since it was the nineteenth century, probably a husband and some kids?" Eliza suggested.

Maria nodded, looking sad at the mention of kids. "Back in my old life I had a really abusive husband. He made me have an affair with this married man or he threatened to kill my daughter. The guy I had the affair with, published a pamphlet about it years later and I was publicly shamed," she said, sighing.

"I'm glad to be away from James, but I'm gonna miss Susan," she finished, wiping a stray tear from her face.

"Hey," Eliza said gently, placing a hand under Maria's chin. "I'm gonna be your family now. Me and my sisters and my sister's boyfriend and his friends and everyone. You're gonna be ok."

Maria gave Eliza a watery smile before snuggling close to her, wrapping her arms around her soulmate and just enjoying her warmth. "Thank you," she muttered, struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Shhh, sleep. We'll take you home. But for now just sleep," Eliza coaxed. Maria let her eyes slip shut and fell into a dreamless slumber.

~Time Skip~

Maria's eyes cracked open and she panicked for a second, not recognising her surroundings. She was about to scream or something when a hand gently touched hers.

Maria looked around wildly until she met Eliza's eyes. Eliza was wearing a calm, gentle expression, one Maria hadn't seen since..... well, ever. "You're safe," Eliza said in a soothing voice.

"I'm safe?" Maria repeated, confused. "Where are we? How did we get here?"

"We're at my- our home. My friend, Alexander, brought us here. We're the only ones in the house. You can relax," Eliza explained, her voice still holding that soothing sound.

"Oh," was all that Maria could say. "Do you remember that guy that my husband made me sleep with? His name was Alexander," was the next thing to come out of her mouth.

"Really?" Eliza asked. "Well, our Alexander is a raging homosexual so you don't need to worry about him trying anything with you."

Maria looked shocked. "How can you say something like that so openly? Do you want your friend to be killed?" she asked.

Eliza's fave mirrored Maria's. "Of course not! But he won't be executed. Homosexuality is allowed now. Not everyone is accepting of it though, but a lot of people are. Men can even marry other men now," she told her.

"What about women? Can they marry other women?" Maria asked quietly.

Eliza replied, "Yeah, they can. Why do you ask?"

"So I could marry you," Maria stated. Eliza blushed and looked away.

"Um, well, yes you could, I suppose. It's not, illegal, or anything," she muttered, her face a tomato.

"Does that mean I can also do this?" Maria asked, leaning in and kissing Eliza, who somehow managed to turn even redder.

"Yep," she squeaked when Maria pulled away. "You can definitely do that."

Maria smiled. "Good."

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