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A while ago in my Laurette one shot, I wrote a little bit about how John would ask Alex out if he was going to. This is a fic based on that. This should just be 100% humor, fluff, and crack, but no promises.

Alex stepped into his apartment for the first time in a week, exhausted past the point of exhaustion. He walked to his bedroom, waving goodnight at John, who sat in the sitting room, sipping a mug of something.

Too tired to even think about getting changed into pajamas, he collapsed onto his bed and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

The next morning, Alex woke up only feeling slightly refreshed. He went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee and saw a fresh mug sitting on the counter with a note. Huh. John must have come by and made him some coffee. That was nice of him, Alex thought as he sipped it.

Once his coffee was done, Alex got ready for work, changing out of the clothes he'd fallen asleep in and brushing his teeth. He saw John's toothbrush sitting in the tumbler and made a mental note to remind his best friend to pick it up.

By the time Alex got to work, John was already there, so Alex went to go talk to him and tell him about his toothbrush before he forgot, but John was talking to Jeffershit so he decided against it. "I swear, he hasn't noticed," he overheard John saying to Jefferson with a badly muffled snigger.

"How long has it been now?" the Virginian fucker asked.

John giggled. "Almost a month. To be fair, he's never around to notice, so I'm not sure why I'm surprised," he shrugged.

Alex knocked on the door and stuck his head around it to signify his presence. The two men looked up and, upon seeing him, burst out laughing. Alex frowned. "What? Do I have something on my face or something?" he asked.

Still chuckling, John came over and affectionately wiped a smudge of coffee from his cheek, sticking his thumb in his mouth and sucking it off.

"Tasty," he winked at him. Then he turned to Jeffershit and waved. "We can talk more later Thomas, see you around! I'll see you later Alex," he said, voice softening as he pressed a light kiss to Alex's cheek.

Alex blushed at the attention of his definitely-not-a-crush. Jefferson watched amusedly. "Are you going to tell him you're in love with him?" he asked.

Flushing an even darker shade of red, Alex mumbled, "Shut up," and fled the room.

John stopped him at the printer and sent him a dazzling smile. "We still on for tonight? At yours?" he asked. Alex nodded mutely. John's smile widened and he waved shyly as he left.

At lunchtime, John dropped by with a sandwich and another coffee. "You got time to have lunch with me?" he asked hopefully. Alex brushed it off as John just wanted to make sure he ate.

He sent the man a small smile and waved at the chair opposite his desk. "Be my guest," he replied.

John smiled sweetly and slid the coffee across the desk. Alex grabbed it greedily and ignored the sandwich that.

Frowning, John threatened, "Don't make me come over there and feed you myself."

Alex smirked and replied, "You wouldn't," confidently. John raised an eyebrow before lunging across the table, sandwich in hand, to cram the food into Alex's mouth.

Alex squealed and tried to get away from him, but John straddled his thighs and pressed one of his hands behind Alex's head to hold him still. "Open up," he grunted and Alex shook his head stubbornly.

Huffing a sigh, John bit off a bite of the sandwich himself. Alex smiled snuggly, happy to have gotten out of eating. Then John sealed their lips together and passed the food from his mouth to Alex's.

Too stunned to think about anything other than the fact that his longtime-not-crush was making out with him, Alex's body took over and accepted the food, chewing and swallowing the moment John's lips left his.

Alex pouted at his victorious best friend, who continued to sit in his lap. "I did it! I managed to get Alexander Hamilton to eat," John crowed.

"That wasn't fair, you kissed me. That counts as a viable distraction," Alex protested.

John shook his head. "Nuh-uh! Nowhere in the rules does it say you can't use an outer force of persuasion," he argued.

Smiling, Alex shot back, "But it does say that you can't force me to eat anything."

"But I didn't force you to eat anything," John pointed out. "I just put the food in your mouth, which isn't against the rules, and then you did all the chewing and swallowing all by yourself like a big boy," he mocked.

Alex pouted because what John was saying was true. "Fuck you," he muttered, unable to defend himself any longer. John smirked and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry baby, but you gotta eat," he said gently, his voice no longer triumphant and mocking. "Even you can't survive on your words alone."

Sighing, Alex leaned into John's embrace. "I know, but I don't like eating," he whined. John laughed above him before moving and going back to his seat.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's a waste of time, yaddah yaddah yaddah. I've heard it all before Lex," he teased. Alex pouted, partly at his words and partly because John had moved. John pulled his lunch out and took a bite of his pasta. "Whatcha working on there?" he asked, leading Alex to launch into an in-depth discussion about his project.

John sat there, smiling at him like Alex was his whole world and Alex's heart flipped in his chest. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" he asked, cutting himself off.

Raising an eyebrow, John asked, "Can't I smile at the man I'm in love with?" 

Alex stared back at him, dumbfounded. "You're in love with me?" he squeaked. 

A look of confusion and heartbreak fell across John's face.  "Do you not remember? I told you when I moved in with you," he tried to remind Alex, who had a look of growing horror on his face.

"When did you move in with me?" he asked.

John looked like he was on the verge of tears as he replied, "When we started dating, weeks ago. Alex, how do you not remember any of this?"

Alex tried to wrack his brains, but then John burst out laughing. "Alex, Alex, I'm joking, we're not actually dating, don't hurt yourself trying to think too hard," he teased.

When Alex didn't start laughing too, John's face changed to one of concern. Before he could say anything, Alex slowly said, "You were joking when you said you loved me?"

John hesitated. "Of course, I love you, Alex," he chuckled awkwardly. "You know I do. I wouldn't have pulled this prank if I knew how badly it would affect you."

"You know what I meant John. Did you mean it when you said that you were in love with me or not? Cause if you didn't that is such a dick move because I've been in love with you for forever and I don't want you to play with my feelings," Alex said harshly.

After a moment of staring at him in shock, John lunged over the table and cupped Alex's face, kissing him gently, like he was the most precious thing on Earth. "I meant it," he breathed when he pulled back. "I'll always mean it Alex, God, I'll always be in love with you."


....I know, it's been months.

I don't remember when the last time I updated this was. I've kind of fallen out of the fandom and I'm not as invested in the fics on my account as I once was. I'm going to stop writing for this fandom. I might write some Marvel fanfic, it just depends.

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