Chapter 16: Nightmare

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Third Person POV 

Hailey was slowly walking through the crowded streets of Mistral as many looked at her, eyeing her appearance. 

A/N: What Hailey is wearing! 

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A/N: What Hailey is wearing! 

Hailey: Look at them. 
She thought to herself as she walked past the crowd, feeling their eyes on her. 

???: Look at her. 

???: What is a hottie like her doing here? 

???: Hmm. Don't mind if I get with her. 

Hailey: Such a beautiful sight but a disgusting place. 
She thought to herself as she continued to walk down the streets. 

Hailey: Hmm. Lizzie's bar. 
She said as she stopped in front of a bar. 

Hailey: Seems like the right place. 
She said to herself before walking into the bar, seeing men and women drinking alone and together. 

Hailey: Seems like the right place. 
She said to herself before walking up to the bartender. 

Bartender: What can I get you? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

Hailey: I'll like a drink. 
She said as she slowly sat down. 

Bartender: Sure thing. 
He said before grabbing a bottle and pouring it into a cup. 

Hailey: Thank you. 
She said before taking a sip out of it. 

Bartender: You're new here. 
He said as he looked at her. 

Hailey: Just decided to come to this joint. 
She said with a smile. 

Bartender: Why come tonight? 
He asked her. 

Hailey: For what? To have fun. 
She said with a smile. 

???: Bard. Give me a drink. 
A man said as he sat by Hailey. 

Bartender: Hello Sam. What drink would you like today? 
He asked him. 

Sam: The usual. 
He said before looking at Hailey. 

Sam: Well hello beautiful. 
He said as Hailey continued to drink. 

Sam: What's your name baby. 
He said to her. 

Hailey: Chloe. 
She lies with a smile. 

Sam: Well Chloe. You're new here. 

Hailey: Yeah... Decided to come here tonight. 
She said with a smile. 

Sam: Why tonight? 

Hailey: To have fun obviously. 

Bartender: Here if your drink. 
He said before placing a bottle in front of Sam. 

Sam: Chloe. Why don't we got to the backroom to get to know each other more. 
He said to her. 

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