Chapter 13: Recovery

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Neon's POV 




I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was laying on a bed with medical equipment. 

"W-W-Where am I?" 
I asked as I looked around before seeing that I was still wearing the same clothes from last night. 

???: Hey Neon. 
I heard his voice before looking at him. 

Seeing his H/C hair and E/C eyes. Seeing his blue jacket. His blue pants. 


Third Person POV 

Neon wrapped her arms around Y/n as she sobbed loudly into his shoulder. 

Neon: I-I-I-I missed you. 
She sobs loudly into his shoulder, holding onto him tightly. 

Y/N: I missed you too. 
He said, tears slowly running down his face. 

Neon: I-I-I-I thought they were going to sell me. 
She sobs into his shoulder. 

Y/N: Shh. I'm right here. 
He said as he rubbed her back. 

Neon continued to sob into his shoulder, her tears soaking into his shoulder. Her arms around his chest as her nails dug into his back. 

Y/N: Shh. I'm right here. Don't be afraid. 
He said as Neon slowly looked at him with tearful emerald eyes. 

Y/N: No need to be afraid. 
He said before kissing her forehead. 

Y/N: Come on. I'll help you to the shower. 
He said as he carried her towards the bathroom. 

Neon: T-T-Thank you. 
She said, her head laying on his chest. 

To S/N 

S/N was laying in her bed as she curled into a ball, shivering under the sheets. 

S/N: N-no. 
She muttered in her sleep. 

S/N: G-G-Get away from me. 
She said as she started to hyperventilate in her sleep. 

S/N: L-Let go of me.

S/N: NO! 
She screamed before waking up as she was covered in cold sweat. 

S/N: Y/N! 
She yelled as she curled into a ball, shivering in fear before hearing her door creak open. 

Y/N: What's wrong? 
He asked as he panted heavily. 

S/N remained silent as she sobbed quietly on her bed. 

Y/N: S/N. What's wrong? 
He asked as he sat in front of her before feeling her jump onto him. 

Y/N: S/N. What's wrong? 
He asked as he felt her hold onto him tightly. 

S/N: D-D-Don't let them get me. 
She sobs quietly into his shoulder. 

Y/N: It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. 
He said as he rubbed her back, feeling her holding onto him tightly. 

Y/N: S/N. Come on. Let's go downstairs and I'll cook you both something. 
He said to her. 

S/N: O-O-Okay. 
She said as she loosen her hold on him.

Y/N: I'll cook you your favorite.
He said as he walked out of the room, leaving S/N in the room. 

S/N sighs before slowly going over to her closest and taking off her top, revealing bruises on her back. S/N slowly grabbed a hoodie before slipping it on and putting on blue jeans. 

To Winter 

Winter: So you arrested those 9 people we found in the docks. 
She said as she looked at an atelsian office.r 

Atlesian officer: Yes ma'am. We've arrested them and they are now in the interrogation room. 

Winter: I see. 
She said before walking into the interrogation room. 

Winter: So you and the other 8 are in the trafficking ring. 
She said as she glared at the man. 

Man 1 slowly nodded as he was tied to a wheelchair. 

Winter: Why were you at the docks. 
She said as she tossed a file, revealing a pair of photos. 

Man 1: W-W-We were transporting faunas and humans for profit. 
He said in fear. 

Winter: Who attacked you all. 

Man 1: A-A-A man. 
He said with fear, shaking in fear as he looked at the table. 

Winter: Who? 

Man 1: H-H-His E/C e-e-eyes. H-H-H-H/C hair. 
He said, sweat slowly dripping down his chin before hitting the group. 

Winter: Hmm. 
She said before walking out of the room. 

The man sat there as the lights suddenly flickered. 

Man 1: Huh? 
He said as he looked around in confusion. 


Man 1: AHHH! 
He screamed in pain, his head against the cold table as he felt a hand on the back of his head. 

???: You thought I'd forgot about you. How is it being in a wheelchair. 
The stranger said as the man slowly turned ot see his E/C eyes. 

Man 1: I-I-it's you. 
He said with fear in his eyes. 

Y/N: Of course. 
He said with a smirk before smashing the man's hand with his baton. 

Man: AHHHH! 
He screamed in pain as he held his hand in pain. 

Y/N: First my sister. Now my best friend. When do you all ever learn. 
He said before cracking his baton against the man's spine. 

He screams louder as the door knob rattled. 

Y/N: Here is a gift from me. 
He said as he pointed his gun at the man. 



Atlesian Soldier: Hands up! 
He yelled as Y/N grunted, holding his hand in pain before teleporting away. 

Atlesian Soldier: Ms Schnee. We have a weapon from the assassin. 

Here is chapter 13 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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