Chapter 18: Custody

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Third Person POV 


???: AHHHHH! 
A scream was heard as a woman slowly looked at Hailey, seeing her baton out. 

???: Y-You bitch! 
She yelled at her. 


The woman fell onto the ground, holding her jaw in pain as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Hailey: How rude of you. 
She said with a smirk. 

???: I-I-I'm going to kill you and dump you into the trash! 
She yelled and pulled out a knife. 

Hailey: Bad choice. 
She said as the woman swiped the knife at her. 

Hailey stepped out of the way as the woman swiped at her once more. 


The woman stabbed the woman as she turned to Hailey before feeling the baton hit her knee. 

Woman: AHHHH! 
She screamed in pain. 


The woman screamed louder before feeling the blade run across her throat. 

Hailey: Have fun baby girl. 
She giggles and walks away from the woman as the woman gagged on her blood. 

Hailey: Another trafficker done. I love this job. I get to kill criminals. From petty thieves to rapists and pedophiles. I love this part of town. 
She giggles to herself. 

Hailey: And no one can stop me. 

To Y/N 

Y/N was slowly walking through a hall as he had cuffs. 

???: Look at who it is. 
He heard a voice before turning to see an atlesian student smirking at him. 

Atlesian Studen 1 : I-I-is that Y/N? H-H-He l-looks so different. 

Atlesian Student 2: I heard he was the one who saved Neon earlier this week. 

Atlesian Student 3: Hmm... what a weakling. Didn't even fight when they came to arrest him. 

Y/N: Fools. They wouldn't be the ones to pull the trigger. 
He thought to himself 

Y/N: They'll turn tail and hide behind their fortunes. 
He thought to himself before walking into a room with an empty bed. 

Atlesian Soldier: Get in there. 
He ordered as Y/N turned to him. 

Y/N: Alright. 
He said before walking to the bed and sat there. 

The atlesian office walked towards him and uncuffed him as an energy field formed around them. 

Atlesian Officer: See you later L/N. 
He said before walking out of the area as the field shut. 

Y/N: How lovely. 
He said as he laid the field. 

Y/N: Hey... how long would I be in here for? 
He asked as he looked at the atlesian officer. 

Atlesian Officer: However long is up to the General. 

Y/N: Oh how lovely. 
He groaned. 

Atlesian Officer: But I must say. Thank you for going after them. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: The traffickers? 

Atlesian Officer: Yes. 
He said as he turned around. 

Atlesian Officer: They took my mother. We've never found her. 
He said with sorrow as Y/N looked away. 

Y/N: Sorry to hear that. 
He said to him as he sighs. 

Y/N: S/N. Neon. Hope you're both okay while I'm here. 
He thought to himself. 

To Ironwood 

Ironwood: So what have we gotten out of him? 
He asked as he looked at Winter. 

Winter: So far... he was the one killing those men. 
She answered as Ironwood scrolled through his hologram. 

Ironwood: I see... and all of that to get his younger. Admirable. 
He said as he continued to scroll through. 

Ironwood: Electrocution. Burned alive. Bruises around the throats. Poison. Son killed. 

Winter: How inhumane. 
She said to him. 

Winter: He should have informed us. The soldiers and huntsmen would have helped. 
She said to him. 

Ironwood: Not knowing their whereabouts, it would have taken weeks to find them. 
He said to her. 

Winter: Still... he should have came to us .T-This is immoral.
She said to him. 

Ironwood: Go to your quarters Winter. Get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow. 
He said Winter walked out of the room. 

Ironwood: Hmm... now that he's here. He could make this easier. It'll be easier to set up Amity Arena. But will he cooperate? 

Here is chapter 18 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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