Chapter 17: Arrested

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Third Person POV 

Hailey was leaning against the wall as she had a cigarette in hand. 

Hailey: Hmm... It sure was a fun night. 
She said to herself as she puffed into the air. 

Hailey: I wonder how much Y/N will pay me. 
She thought to herself before seeing two men walking towards her with a smirk. 

???: Hey girl. Looking good. 
One said as the other looked at her with a grin. 

Hailey: Hello boys. 
She said with a smirk. 

???: Why don't we have fun tonight. 
The other said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. 

Hailey: Sorry boys. I'm busy tonight. 
She said before puffing in his face. 

???: We didn't ask. 
The other said as he pulled out a knife. 

Hailey: Alright boys. 
She said before placing her cigarette in front of one's face, seeing the two smirk. 

???: AHHH! 
One screamed as Hailey shoved the cigarette into one's eye before grabbing the other's knife and stabbed him into the throat. 

The man grabbed her by the throat as she pulled out his baton and shoved it through his throat. 

Hailey: Aww...I broke my toy already. 
She said before turning to the other, seeing fear course through his eyes. 

???: W-W-What the hell are you.

He said with fear. 

Hailey: Oh. I thought you've wanted to have fun. 
She coos sadistically as she slowly walked towards him, flipping her hair up as blood ran down her face. 

???: Y-You're a monster. 
He said in fear as he backed up. 

Hailey: Am I now? 
She coos as the man quickly got up. 

Hailey: You can run but you can't hide. 
She said before running her hand through her hair. 

To S/N

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To S/N

S/N was laying on a bed as she shivered, feeling a hand on her shoulder.

???: Hello S/N. I'm Winter Schnee. How are you feeling? 
She heard a voice. 

S/N: W-W-Where is he? 
She asked, fear coursing through her voice. 

Winter: He's in the room. They are just asking him questions. 
She said as S/N hugged herself, shivering in fear. 

Winter walked out of the room, leaving S/N alone. 

???: You are mine. No one will ever find you. 
She heard a voice echo through her head. 

To Y/N 

Atlesian Soldier:  So... you're the one who did all these. 
He said as he placed a couple of photos down on the table. 

Atlesian Soldier 1: Multiple homicide. Arson. Kidnapping. 

Atlesian Soldier 2: Why did you do it. Why did you kill all these men. 
One said angrily at him. 


Atlesian Soldier 2: I'd answered you a question. 
He said as he glared at Y/N, his fists denting the table. 

Y/N: You want my answer? 
He asked him as the soldier glared at him. 

Y/N: Look at S/N. Go look at what they did to her. 
He said as he looked at the soldier. 

Atlesian Soldier 2: You've killed the leader's family. 

Y/N: They helped him. They don't care what they did to her. As long they get their payment, they'll turn their back and act as if everything was normal. 

Atlesian Soldier: That still doesn't explain anything. 

Y/N: Imagine this. Imagine your little sister being abducted by a ring leader. Then imaging trying to get help from the military you're part of but they don't do anything about it for 3 months. What choice did I have? 

Atlesian Soldier 2: You should have informed us. 

Y/N: Informed you. I did and you did absolutely nothing. Seems like the media. The atlesian military is completely useless. 

Somewhere Else 

In an office, Ironwood sat down as he looked at team RWBY. 

Ruby: So what are we going to do? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Ironwood: We're going to get Amity Arena up and running. 

Here is chapter 17 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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