Chapter 19: A choice

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Third Person POV


Thunder boomed throughout the rainy sky as Hailey stood behind a window. 

Hailey: How lovely. So peaceful. Nothing but the sound of rain pouring onto the ground. Refreshing. 
She said to herself before pulling her face mask off, revealing her face. 

Hailey: But I do wonder. When is that hacker going to pay me back for my services. 
She said as she looked at her scroll. 

???: AHHH! 
She heard a scream as she snapped to the side. 

Hailey: Oh wow. More fun. 
She said as she puts her face plate back on before walking out into the rain. 

Hailey: I wonder what could be going on here. 
She said as the scream got louder and louder. 

Hailey: Of course. 
She said as she looked through a window to see a man slapping a faunas. 

Hailey: Got to love the people of Mistral. 
She said before pulling out a pin. 

Hailey slowly opened the fence gate and walked to the door before inserting the pin into the door knob. 


Hailey: There we go. 
She said as the door opened before walking into the room. 

???: S-S-Stop...
She heard her a feminine voice. 

???: Or what you filthy animal. Nobody here will listen to a damn animal like you. 
A man said as he kicked her in the stomach. 

Faunas: AHHH! 
She screamed in pain. 


Faunas: AHHHH! 
She screamed as she saw Hailey standing behind the man with a knife in hand. 

Faunas: P-P-Please don't hurt me. 
She begged in fear as she looked at her, holding her arms in front of her. 

Hailey: Hmm...
She said before walking out of the room, leaving the woman there. 

Hailey: I would run before the cops get here. 
She said before disappearing into the dark. 

To Ruby 

Ruby: This is so boring! 
She whines as she laid on her bed. 

Weiss: Deal with it. 
She said as she sat at a desk with a pencil in hand. 

Ruby: This is so much work!
She said as she looked at her. 

Weiss: Not like we can do much here. 
She said as she continued to work. 

Ruby: I miss Beacon. 
She said sadly as she looked at her. 

Weiss: I do too Ruby. 

Ruby: Hey Weiss... what do you think will happen? After we get Amity Arena up? 
She asked. 

Weiss: Hopefully we are able to help out with the problems here in Atlas. 
She said to her. 

Ruby: Yeah... 
She said before turning away from her. 

Ruby: Hopefully... 

To Y/N 

Y/N was sitting in his cell as he laid against the cell wall. 

Y/N: I wonder how S/N is doing. 
He thought to himself as he look at the doors. 

Y/N: They better be glad I'm willing to cooperate. I could have got out already. 
He said to himself before raising his hand, seeing a pad form beneath his hand. 

Y/N: Unfortunately, I still need my phone to do all the money transaction. 
He muttered to himself. 


Y/N looked to the door as Ironwood walked through the door. 

Ironwood: Mr L/n. 
He said as he stood in front of the cell. 

Y/N: General. 
He said as he slowly stood up. 

Ironwood: Never thought we'll see each other again. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: Why is that. 

Ironwood: Well... you disappeared after the Fall of Beacon. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: I'm sure you already know the answer already. 
He said to him. 

Ironwood: Your little sister. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: Yes. 

Ironwood: Admirable. Taking down all those traffickers. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: Thank you general.  Why are you here. 
He said to him. 

Ironwood: I need your help Y/N. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: With what? 
He asked him. 

Ironwood: With Amity Arena. 

Y/N: Why... 

Ironwood: To restore communications with Vacuo and Mistral. 

Y/N: Why come to me of all people.

Ironwood: Because your abilities. Those two huntsmen you've disarmed told me of your abilities. Especially those traffickers you've took down during those months. 

Y/N: And you've think I'm qualified to help you on a structure that hasn't been online for months since the fall. 
He said to him. 

Ironwood: Yes Mr L/N. There is no one better than you right now. We need you. 
He said as Y/n turned around. 

Y/N: Let me think on it. 
He said as Ironwood turned around. 

Ironwood: Thank you Mr L/n. 
He said before walking out of the room. 

Y/N: So if I refuse to work with him, S/N might get hurt and I won't be able to stop it. 
He said to himself. 

Y/N: If I do work with him, I can be with S/n and Neon to help them recover. 

Somewhere Else 

In a dark room, there were two men standing across from each other. 

???: What is so important you've called me. 
One said as he puffed out smoke. 

???: The target has moved to Atlas Academy. This could be our chance to take her back. 

???: Get the girl. 

???: Payment. 
One growled. 

???: Get the girl first and I'll pay you. 

???: How much. 

???: More than anything the SDC and the damn general has. 

???: It'll be done. 

Here is chapter 19 of You'll Never See Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you think should happen next? 

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