Chapter 1: One Less Loose End

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Third Person POV 

In a room filled with computers and wires, the boy stepped into the room before sitting on a chair in front of the multiple monitors. Sitting there as he started typing, the screens changing to the screen showing multiple girls in their undergarments. 

???: Hmm. One down. 
He said as he looks at the girl known as S/N. 

???: Where are you S/N. 
He said with sadness in his voice as the screen glitched. 


The boy turned as he hears his scroll ringing before picking it up to answer. 

???: Hello? 

???: Hello Y/N. 
A woman said. 

Y/N: Neon? 

Neon: Hey. How are you feeling? You know....after what happened...

Y/N looked at the photo of S/N before answering her. 

Y/N: I'm doing fine. 
He answers as he looked down before seeing a screen showing the same man being pushed into the building. 

Neon: So...I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime...since we haven't talked in a while....

Y/N: Sure. 

Neon: When do you want to hang out? 

Y/N: Maybe on Saturday.

Neon: Great! See you then. Stay safe. 

Y/N: You too. 
He said before hanging up on her and looking at the camera footage. 

Y/N: I'll find my sister and bring her back home. No lose ends. 

To Man 

The man was grabbed by a pair of atlesian soldiers before being shoved into a chair. 

Atlesian Soldier 1: Sit down Mantle scum. 
He said before punching across the face, causing the man to gasp in pain. 

Atlesian Soldier 2: Hmm. Charged with human trafficking. 500 girls gone. You know how many families are affected by this. 300 girls from the school in Mantle. 200 from Atlas Academy. 
He said with anger in his voice before putting the file on the table. 

The man looked down as he didn't answer. 

Atlesian Soldier 2: Do you even hear me! 
He yells at him. 

The man didn't look up as he sat there. 


The altesian soldier slammed his fists into the table, denting it as he looked at him. 

Atlesian Soldier 2: Come on. We'll let HER deal with this one. 
He said as the other walked out of the room, leaving the man inside the room. 

The man sat in the room as he looked at the door with a glare. 

Man: Stupid atlesians. Hmm. Think they're all powerful. Hmm. 
He scoffs. 

Suddenly the lights flickered as the man flinched, looking around in fear. 

???: Hmm. Afraid of the dark. Hmm. Why is that? Joshua Kramer. 

The man now known as Josh looked in front of him to see Y/N, the same boy in front of him. 

Joshua: H-H-How do you know my name? 
He said in fear, seeing the revolver in hand. 

Y/N: Oh, I know everything about you Josh. 
He chuckles as he looks at him with hatred in his eyes. 

Josh: Y-Y-You're the one t-t-that raided the deal. 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: Oh you mean your little auctions of who gets the hottest girl. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were into little girls. 
He said as he readies his revolver. 

Josh: W-What is it to you? 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: Oh you know, I happen to be close to many of the girls you and the others stole. 

Josh: R-R-Really? 
He said in fear. 


Before he could get an answer, his face was slammed into the table as blood spewed onto the table. 

Y/N: That was a hint. Now tell me. Where is S/N L/N. 
He said with anger as he sits back down. 

Josh slowly looks at him as he holds his nose in pain. 

Y/N: Where is she. 
He growls as his revolver was sitting on the table. 

Josh reaches for the revolver as he aims at Y/N. 

Josh: Leave me alone! I'll shoot! 
He threatens. 

Y/N smirks as he looks at him. 

Y/N: Go on. Shoot.
He said as Josh looks at him with widen eyes. 

Y/N: What are you waiting for? You have the gun. Shoot. 

Josh pulls the trigger to only hear one thing that he didn't want to hear. 


Josh: What! It shou-

Y/N kicks his knee in, breaking his knee as he screamed in pain. 

Y/N: Stupid. Stupid businessman. Only caring about money and having no skill to earn it. 
He said before slamming his face into the table once more. 

Y/N: You couldn't shoot because its tech based. I've created that weapon. Analyzes my fingerprints and I'm in. 


Y/N shoots next to his ear as he grips him by the hair. 

Y/N: Now tell me. Where is S/N L/N. Who is the deal you've made. 
He growls as he breaks one of Josh's fingers. 

Josh: AHHH! 
He screamed as he held his finger. 

Y/N: Tell me. Where is she. Where is S/N L/N. 
He said as he broke another finger. 

Josh: I DON'T KNOW! 
He yells as he screams in pain. 

He yells as he breaks his third finger. 

Josh: Please! I don't know! 
He yells in pain. 

Y/N: Hmm. Maybe your wife knows. 
He said as he walks to the door. 

Josh: NO PLEASE! Anything but her. Please don't hurt her. She has nothing to do with this. 
He begs as tears ran down his cheeks. 

Y/N grabs him by the collar as he glares at him. 

Johsh: S-She is being sent to Jacques Schnee. 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: Hmm. Enjoy the light show. 
He smirks as the light turn off and on, making Josh cower in fear. 

Josh: STOP IT! 
He yells as he cowers in the corner. 

Y/N: Flashing lights. Get seizures if experiencing it long enough. And lastly, death. 


???: Why is this door lock!? 
He heard a female voice behind it. 

Y/N: Winter Schnee. 
He said before disappearing. 

Y/N now stood on top of the Atlesian police station as he looked up in the sky. 

Y/N: I'm coming for you S/N. 

Here is chapter 1 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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