Chapter 27: Y/N and S/N

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Third Person POV 

A group of men sat in a dark room as one pulled a photo of S/N. 

Man 1: We got the girl back. 
He said as another grabbed the photo. 

Man 2: Good. We can proceed with the schedule. 
He said as another sipped out of his cup. 

Man 3: What happens now? 

Man 4: First. Those mistralians need to get their shit together. 

Man 3: With what? Those mistralians have guards down there. What could be causing them problems down there? 

Man 2: Some of them are saying they're scared for their families. 

Man 3: WHy? They should be afraid of what happens to those incompetent. 

Man 2: They're saying that there is someone killing everyone there. 

Man 3: Then hire more. 

Man 2: Sir, they mean like everyone involved with them. The bosses. Their families. Their children are targeted first. Throats slit open and torn apart by grimm. 

Man 3: What... 
One said with fear. 

Man 1: Has the killer been identified? 

Man 2: So far...none of the hunters have returned. Most likely dead. 

To Hailey 

Hailey: And here we go. 
She said as she stopped in front of a house before looking at Mia. 

Mia: Y-Y-You're letting me go? 
She asked as Hailey looked at her. 

Hailey: Yes. Now get out. 
She said as Mia looked at her with fear. 

Mia: W-Why did you kidnap me? 
She asked as Hailey giggled. 

Hailey: Simple. To get your naughty father. 

Mia: W-W-Why do you want him? 

Hailey: Why don't you get out before I take to the traffickers. 
She said as Mia looked at her with wide eyes before rushing out of the car and into the house. 

Hailey: My. That was quick. 
She said before starting up the car and driving away. 

Hailey: I guess that job is done. Now let's just hang out and slit a snob's throat. 

To Y/N 

A man was sitting in a chair as he ate piece of a donut in front of a large monitor. 


Man: Huh? 
He thought to himself as he looked to see his phone ringing. 

Man: Oh. Just a notification. 
He said as he was hit at the back of the head with a baton. 

The man fell onto the ground as Y/N stood over him before a hologram displayed over his hand. 

Y/N: Hmm... 2 floors and a basement. 
He said to himself before seeing a cargo hold. 

Y/N: Interesting. 
He thought to himself as he switched to different cameras before his eyes widen. 

Y/N: No. 
He said as he looked at a screen of S/N tied onto a bed. 

Y/N: No. 
He said before looking at the camera, seeing the room number. 

Y/N: Basement. Room 10. 
He said before walking out of the room as a guard looked at him. 

Guard: Hey! Wh-BANG 

The guard fell to the ground as Y/N walked past him. 


Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He cursed loudly before running down the hall as he sees an elevator. 

Y/N: There. 
He said as a guard ran into the hall. 

Guard: Hey! 
He yelled as he aimed at the hacker. 


The guard was shot in the shoulder as he staggered before being shot at the head. The guard dropped onto the ground as Y/N ran past him, going towards the elevator as another guard ran into the hall. 

Guard: Found him! In secur-BANG 
The guard fell to the ground as Y/N ran past him before stopping in front of the elevator. 

Y/N: Come on. Come on. 
He said, pressing the elevator button. 


Y/N: Gah! 
He yelled in pain before turning around and shooting at another guard in the chest multiple times. 


Y/N backed up into the elevator before slamming his hand on the elevator button, shutting the elevator doors. 

Y/N: Son of a bitch. 
He groans in pain as he held his shoulder pain. 

Y/N: They'll pay. They'll die for what they've done. 
He cursed loudly as he groans in pain. 

Y/N slowly raised his hand, forming the hologram once more to see the basement layout. 

Y/N: Two elevators. This one and the one down the hall from S/N's room. 
He said before feeling the elevator stop. 


The doors slowly opened as Y/N slowly peeked around the corner to see no one. 

Y/N: Good. 
He thought to himself before running down the hall. 

Y/N: Room 3. 
He said as he continued to run down the hall. 

Y/N: Room 5. 
He said before continuing to search for the room. 

Y/N: Room 8. 
He said before coming across room 10. 

Y/N: S/N. 
He said before opening the door to see her on the bed. 

Y/N: S/N? 
He asked as S/N remained silent. 

Y/N: No. No. No. 
He said before placing his fingers against the side of her neck. 

Y/N sighs as tears ran down his cheeks. 

Y/N: I'm so sorry. 
He said as a guard stood at the door. 

Guard: Hands up where I ca-BANG 

Guard: AHHH! 
He screamed in pain before being slammed onto the ground. 

Guard: AH! 
He screamed as he looked up to see Y/N before he stomped onto the guard's head, killing him. 

Y/N remained silent as he carried S/N out of the room. 

Y/N: S/N. They all will die for what they did to you. All of them and their families will pay. 

To Hailey 

Hailey was leaning against a wall as she had a lollipop in her mouth, seeing couples laughing with each other as they held hands.

Hailey: Ah, love my job.
She thought to herself before seeing a man look at her.

???: Hey beautiful. What's your name?
The man asked her as he towered over her.

Hailey: Hailey. What's yours?
She asked as she ran her hand over his chest.

???: Name's Josef. Want to hang out with my friends and I?

Hailey: Sure.
She said with a smile.

Josef: Perfect. Let's go.
He said and wrapped his arm around her.

Hailey: Yes. Perfect indeed. Perfect for a reminder.

Here is chapter 27 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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