Chapter 8: Too Far Gone

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Third Person POV 

Y/N slowly woke up before looking to see S/N laying her head on his chest. 

S/N: Y/N. 
She snores lightly as she had her hands on his chest. 

S/N: I'm so sorry.
She said as she nuzzled her against his chest. 

Y/N kisses her forehead before slowly slipping out of the covers. The older brother slowly covered her with the blanket before going to the bathroom to get ready. 

S/N: B-Big brother. 
She murmured in her sleep. 

Y/N slowly walked out of the bathroom, water slowly dripping down his chin before drying his face. 

Y/N: I'll be right back. 
He said as he rubbed her cheek. 

Y/N walked out of the room with his coat in hand and revolver. 

Y/N: Time to hunt. 
He said as he puts on his coat before walking into the garage and getting into the car. 

Y/N pulled out of the garage as a hologram formed in front of him. 

Y/N: Activity here. 
He said as he looked at a location before seeing two names. 

Y/N: Hmm. Two involved in trafficking, smuggling, and murder. Hmm. Perfect. For an example. 

To Weiss 


Weiss stabbed into the ground as a glyph formed in front of her while Winter stood in front of her. 

Winter: Is that all you really got? 
She asked as she looked at her blankly. 

Weiss looks at her as her knight swung its sword at Winter to only be blocked by Winter's glyph. 

Winter's glyph formed in front of her, revealing a knight before punching Weiss's glyph onto the ground. The glyph fell down onto the ground before being stabbed through the stomach. 

Winter :Try again. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Weiss: Fine. 
She said as a clock glyph formed under her before charging at Winter. 


Winter blocked the slash before parrying it, causing Weiss to slip past her. 

Winter: Predictable. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Weiss: Damn it. 
She cursed to herself before swinging her rapier at her. 


Winter: Sloppy. 


Weiss: What is that? 
She asked. 

Winter: An attack. 

Weiss: Where? 

To Y/N 

Y/N was slowly walking towards a man slowly crawling away, leaving a trail of blood behind him. 

Y/N: Look at this. Another trafficker. E/N. A notorious human and faunas trafficker. While in the progress of making each trafficked a slave to your own desires. 
He said before stomping onto the man's back. 

He screamed in agony. 

Y/N slams his head into the concrete before grabbing him by the hair. 

Y/N: Who said you can talk dog. 
He said before kicking him at the jaw, sending him onto his back. 

Y/N: I never understood why rapists and traffickers like you are protected behind a sheet of metal. 
He said as he looked at him with anger. 

Y/N: Then again. 
He said before stomping onto his stomach, causing the man to cough up blood.

Y/N: It's maybe best to keep you safe from those like me.
He said as E/N spit in his face. 

E/N: Go to hell atlas dog. 
He growled at him. 


Y/N kicked him at the side of the head once more, knocking a few of his teeth out. Suddenly a camera looked at them as Y/N pressed record. 

E/N: W-W-what are you doing.

Y/N: Sending a message. 
He said before shoving his baton through his eye. 

He screamed in agony as he tried to push Y/N off. 

E/N grabbed Y/N by the throat before Y/N slammed the hilt of the baton onto his nose. 

He screamed in pain before suddenly feeling Y/N's baton around his arm. 


He screamed in agony as he held onto his broken arm. 

Y/N: Now stay still. 
He said before shoving it in deeper. 

His screamed echoed throughout the room. 

He screamed in agony before suddenly feeling the baton in his throat. 

Y/N: That was just a taste of what's to come.
He said as his E/C eyes glared into his. 

Y/N: You took my baby sister away. You took away her innocents. And now you beg. 
He said as he pushed the baton deeper down his throat. 

E/N chocked as he tried to move, panicking before feeling a smack across his face with the baton. 

Y/N: Calling you human is a mistake. 
He said before hitting him with the baton, hearing a snap. 

E/N laid on the ground as Y/N walked towards the door. 

Y/N: Tell your friends I said hi. 
He said as he walked out of the door, leaving E/N. 

E/N slowly got up as he held his broken arm and reached for the door. 

E/N: W-W-What? 
He said in shock as he shook the door handle. 

E/N slowly dropped to the ground in despair before hearing a tick. 

E/N: W-W-What? 


Y/N: Another down. 
He said with a smirk before hearing a ring. 

Y/N: Hello? 
He asked as he leaned against his car. 

???: I'm assuming you got done with it. 

Y/N: Yes. And what a message. 
He said as he sees a text, seeing a number with fear. 

???: I bet. 
The female voice said with a giggle. 

Y/N: Talk to you later. 
He said as he hung up before getting into his car. 

Y/N started up the engine and drove back to his house. 

Y/N's POV 

???: Why Y/N? 

???: What happened to Y/N? 

???: Y/N is so different. 

???: S/N was taken away. 

???: Don't leave! Please don't leave! 

???: Mr L/N! We need those criminals alive! 

"I'll only stop once my sister is back and safe! "


"They'll suffer." 

"They'll all will suffer." 

"Everyone of them." 

" must die." 

Here is chapter 8 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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