Chapter 12: Neon

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was sitting on a roof as he overlooked the docks, seeing bulkheads entering and leaving as cars passed. 

Y/N: So this is where she'll be. 
He said to himself as he pulled out his phone, seeing a photo of her hugging him tightly. 

Y/N: I'll bring you home. 
He said before seeing a black car with a truck behind it. 

Y/N: Looks like they're here. 
He said before disappearing. 

To Neon 

Neon: Y-Y-Y/N. 
She said weakly as she sitting near a group of girls. 

Neon: Y/N. P-Please help me. 
She said to herself before feeling the vehicle stop moving. 

???: Well. Look at that. What do we have here. 
A man said as he looked at the group of girls from the opening. 

???: 10 human girls. 5 faunas girls sir. 

???: Hmm. The master can't wait to get his hands on a few animals to keep him entertained. 
One said as another group of men grabbed the girls. 

Guard 1: Let's go girls. 
He said as he aimed at him. 

The girls whimpered as they slowly got out of the truck. 

Guard 2: Hurry it up! 
One yelled as he pushed a deer faunas out. 

???: Hey. Take it easy on the girls. Can't have them like that for our lovely customers. 
One said as the guard scoffed. 

Neon: Y/N. 
She said before being grabbed by a guard. 

Guard 2: Get up you filthy faunas. 
He said before pushing her towards the bulkhead. 

Neon slowly walked towards the bulkhead, tears running down her cheeks before running towards the cargo. 

???: GET HER! 
One yelled as Neon ran towards the cargo bay. 

Neon: Help me! 
She yelled as she ran before being tackled onto the ground. 

Neon: Someone help me! 
She yelled before feeling the man's hand over her mouth. 

Guard 1: Shut up your filthy bitch. 
He growled as he pinned her to the ground. 










Men: AHHHH! 
They screamed in pain as the guard turned around to see them all on the ground, bleeding heavily. 

Guard 1: W-W-W-What the. 
He said in fear as he held Neon by the throat. 


Guard 1: AHHH! 
He screamed in pain, dropping Neon onto the ground as he fell to a knee before looking to see Y/N. 

His E/C eyes glaring down on him as he aimed at him. 

Guard 1: DIE! 
He yelled as he aimed at him. 


Guard 1: AHHH! 
He screamed in pain as he held his hand in pain. 


Guard 1: AHHHH! 
He screamed in pain as he held his jaw in pain. 

Y/N: Animals. 
He growled as the guard slowly crawled away from him, ignoring Neon as she watched him. 

Y/N: Taking my best friend. What did you think will happen. 

Guard 1: P-P-Please. 
He begged as he continued to crawl away. 


Guard 1: AHHHH! 
He screamed as he stopped moving, holding his back in pain. 

Y/N: Who said the dog can talk. 
He said before grabbing him by the hair. 

Y/N: Now. Let me take something from you as you did to me. 
He smirked before pressing his thumbs against his eyes. 

Guard 1: AHHHHHH! 
He screamed in agony as he thrashed around, trying to get Y/N away from him. 

Neon: Y-Y-Y/N. 
She whispered weakly as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: Now suffer like the families of those you've taken from. 
He said before shooting him at the spine, paralyzing him. 

The guard dropped the ground as Y/N aimed at the others before shooting them. 










Neon: Y-Y/N. 
She said as she slowly got up, her legs wobbling before feeling his chest. 

Neon: Y-Y-You came. 
She sobs into his chest. 

Y/N: Of course. 
He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Neon: I-I-I-I-
She struggles to finish, sobbing hysterically into his chest. 

Y/N: Shh. It's going to be okay. 
He said as he rubbed her back before hearing sirens. 

Y/N: Time to go. 
He said as he carried her bridal style before teleporting away. 

Leaving many of the traffickers paralyzed and heavily wounded as a whisper echoed through the area. 

Y/N: You'll Never See Me Coming. 

Y/N: And you never will. 

Here is chapter 12 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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