Chapter 10: Missing

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Third Person POV

Ruby was sitting in her dorm as she was sharpening her scythe while Blake and Yang laid on their respective beds.

Ruby: Where is Weiss? When is she going to get here with the food.
She said to herself as she continued to sharpen her blade.

Yang: Calm down Ruby. She's probably on her way here.
She said as she looked at her.

Ruby: But I'm hungry.
She said as her stomach growled.

Yang: I can tell.
She said before seeing the door open, seeing Weiss with the food.

Yang: Speak of the devil.
She said as she got down.

Weiss: Winter just told me something.
She said as the others looked at her.

Yang: What is it?
She asked as she looked at her.

Weiss: One of the students has gone missing.

To Y/N

S/N: T-T-That was a good food.
She said, holding onto his arm while wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans.

Y/N: Anything for you.
He said, smiling at her as they walked down the street.

???: Hey baby.
A man slurred as he walked up to S/N.

S/N: Y-Y-Yes?
She asked, hiding behind Y/N's arm.

???: Why don't we have some fun tonight.
He slurred as he went to grab her hand.

Y/N: I don't think so.
He said as he pushed the man away from them.

???: Who the hell are you!
He slurred as he looked at him.

Y/N: Come on S/N.
He said as they walked away from the man.

???: Hey! You do what I tell you!
He slurred as he held onto her arm.

S/N: Let me go!
She yelled, thrashing out of his hold.

???: What did I just say!
He yelled as he brought his hand up.


Before he could hit S/N, he was punched across the jaw and fell onto the ground.

S/N: D-D-Don't let them take me.
She said into his chest, hyperventilating.

Y/N: Shh. It's going to be okay.
He said as he rubbed her back.

Y/N: Nothing is ever going to happen to you.

S/N: C-C-Can we go home now. P-Please.
She said, her head on his shoulder

Y/N: Okay.
He said as he started walking again while S/N held onto his arm, shaking heavily.

Y/N: It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.
He said as he walked.

S/N: I-I-I hope so.
She said as she looked down, still holding onto his arm as they walked closer to their home.

S/N: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?
He asked as he looked at her.

S/N: W-W-What are you going to do now?

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe-
He said before seeing a poster.

S/N: What's wrong?
She asked before looking to see where he was looking at.

S/N: I-I-Isn't that her?
She gasped, her hand over her mouth.

Y/N: Neon.

Somewhere Else

???: Is this the girl?
A man asked as Neon laid against a chair, drool running down her jaw. Sitting there dazed as she was tied down while a group of men stood around her.

???: Yes.

???: Good. Send her to Mistral for tomorrow. A young sexy faunas like her will get us thousands.

???: What happens to her then.

???: Who cares. Harvest. Sex doll. I don't care. Plus I got a wife and kid to take care of.

Somewhere Else

???: AHHH!
A man screamed as his head was placed above a stove, seeing the blue flames below him.

???: I-I-I'll tell you anything!
He yelled as he turns his head to see Y/N's dulled E/C eyes.

Y/N: Where.
He said coldly as he glared at him.

???: I-I-I don't know where my father is at.

Y/N: Then die.

Here is chapter 10 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

What do you all think should happen next?

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