Chapter 4: Pain

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was in the kitchen as S/N sat at a table, looking down as he wore a tank top revealing scars on his arm and back. 

S/N: W-What happened to you back? 
She asked as she looked at his scars. 

Y/N: Missions. 

S/N: Missions? 

Y/N: I was called back during the fall of Beacon. That along was a month. 
He said as he continues to cook breakfast for them. 

S/N: O-O-O-Oh. 
She said as she looked at a picture, showing the two of them and their parents standing behind them. 

Y/N: Then I went looking for you. 
He told her. 

S/N smiles as a tear ran down her cheeks before wrapping her arms around herself, remembering what they did to her. 

S/N: T-T-Thank you. 
She said, trying to hold in her tears. 

S/N: T-T-They d-d-d-did so m-m-many things to me.
She said as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: I've found Maria.
He told her. 

S/N: R-R-R-eally? W-W-W-We were separated. 
She told him, her E/C eyes looking at his back. 

Y/N: Drugged. Used. 
He said as he finished cooking and placed the food in a plate before her. 

S/N: W-W-W-Where is maria? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: In the hospital. 
He told her. 

S/N: I-I-it's my fault. I-I-If it wasn't me. 
She said as she started shaking once more. 

Y/N: Shh. No need to cry. 
He said as he hugged her. 

S/N: S-S-S-She's like this because of me.
She sobbed into his shoulder. 

Y/N continued to hug her as he rubbed her back, feeling her tears soak into his shoulder. 

Y/N: Shh. 
He said as he wiped her tears. 

Y/N: Big brother is right here. 
He said as looked at her. 

His E/C eyes looking at hers. 

Y/N: Eat.
He said as he pushed the plate in front of her. 

S/N slowly nods and starts eating her food. 

Y/N: Be right back. 
He said as he pats her back before walking towards a door with a hand scan. 

The hand scan flickers as the door opens as multiple monitors were revealed. 

Y/N: I know what you're wondering. How many have I killed. What did I do? How did I find S/N? 
He said before sitting on a chair. 

Y/N: It was simple really

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Y/N: It was simple really. Information. Control. Alt. Delete. No name means you do not exist. And what happens to people that don't exist? 

Y/N: They're forgotten. And what happened they are forgotten? They die. 
He said before smiling. 

Y/N: Criminals are easy to find. Murders. Rapists. Pedophiles. Easy. Find them. Kill them. Human traffickers. My field. I get to watch them break as everything around them falls apart. Trying to find what's left of their lives and run. Just like pests. . Want to know what they have in common with pests? No one cares about them. 
He said before turning to the monitors. Seeing S/N sit in the kitchen as she ate. Seeing tears running down her cheeks.

Before turning to another monitor showing the outside. Another showing the garage with a motorcycle in it. Another showing their rooms. 

Y/N: I will not let anyone hurt S/N again.


Y/N: Who could that be. 
He said as he grabbed his gun. 

To S/N 

S/N looked at the door in fear as her hands shook heavily. S/N slowly walked to the door and looked through the peephole to see no one before seeing a pair of green eyes. 

S/N fell onto the floor as someone banged on the door. 

S/N: J-J-Just leave. 
She said as she shook in fear. 


She yells as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Suddenly the door opens as S/N cried louder. 

She yells as she sobbed louder. 

???: S/N? 
She heard a gasp. 

S/N slowly looked up as she looked at a familiar face. 

S/N: N-N-Ne-

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S/N: N-N-Ne-

Neon: I've missed you so much.
She said as she hugged her tightly. 

S/N's eyes widen before hugging her tightly. 

S/N: I-I-I missed you too. 
She said as she hugged her tightly. 

While the two hugged each other, a man in a black suit took a photo of them before calling someone. 

???: We got her. Send a group of men to find her. 

Here is chapter 4 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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