Chapter 9: Brother and Sister

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Third Person POV 

Winter was walking to a destroyed building as team RWBY were behind her.

Winter: What happened here? 
She asked as she looked at an atlesian officer. 

Atlesian Officer: A bomb went off and there is a body in there. 
He said as Ruby gasped. 

Winter: Was there anyone else here? 
She asked. 

Atlesian Officer: All burned away. But we were able to confirm the identity of the man burned. 
He told her. 

Winter: Who is it. 

Atlesian Officer: E/N. A human trafficker. Trafficking faunas and humans before sending them to Mistral. 
He told her. 

Winter: Is there any link between this one and the others killed? 
She asked as Weiss saw huntsmen and huntresses watering the fires down. 

Atlesian Officer: Besides them being traffickers or having contact with said traffickers. Nothing else. 

Winter: Hmm. Could it be him? 
She asked herself. 

Atlesian Officer: Could it be who ma'am? 

Winter: Nothing.

To Y/N 

Y/N was slowly pulling up onto the driveway before turning off the car and walking up to the door with bags in his hands. 

Y/N: S/N must be hungry. 
He said to himself before walking into the kitchen. 

Y/N: S/N. I'm home. 
He said before placing the bags of food on the kitchen table. 

Y/N: S/N?
He asked as he heard nothing. 

Suddenly he heard a crash upstairs before rushing up the stairs with his gun in hand. 

Y/N: S/N! 
He yelled as he looked for her to only see her in the bedroom with dust on the table. 

Y/N: S/N? 
He asked before seeing a paper rolled up in her hand, seeing her tearful E/C eyes. Still in her panties and bra as she sat in front of a broken dust vial. 

S/N: Y-Y-Y/N? 
She asked, slurring as tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: What are you doing? 
He asked, putting his gun away before seeing her bring him into a tight hug. 

S/N: D-D-D-Don't let them get me.
She sobs into his shoulder, holding onto him tightly. 

S/N: D-D-Don't let them get me! 
She sobs louder as he rubbed her back. 

Y/N: Shh. It's going to be okay. 
He said as he rubbed her back. 

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay. 
He said as he rubbed her back before looking at her tearful E/C eyes. 

Y/N: Come on. I've got your favorite food down stairs. 
He said before slowly getting and carrying her downstairs. 

S/N: Y-Y-Y/N. 
She said as she looked at him, her head against his chest as he walked down the steps into he kitchen. 

Y/N: What is it? 
He asked as he looked at her. 

S/N opens her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks before sobbing into his shoulder. 

S/N: I-I-I-I
She struggles to finish before sobbing into his chest. 

Y/N: It's okay. 
He said before placing her on a chair and pulled out a box of food. 

Y/N: Here is your favorite. 
He said as he sat by her, holding a spoon in front of her before taking a bite. 

Y/N: How is it? 
He aske as she looked at him with a small smile. 

S/N smiles as she continues to eat, tears slowly falling down her cheeks as she held onto her hands. 

Y/N: No need to cry. 
He said as he wiped her tears away. 

Y/N: They'll never get you again. 
He said as S/N looked at him with more tears. 

S/N: Y-Y-Y-Y/N.
She said as she looked at him. 

S/N: T-T-T-T-They...
She struggles to finish before sobbing into his shoulder once more. 

Y/N sighs before hugging her back, rubbing her back as he sat there. 

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay. 
He said as he rubbed her back. 

S/N held onto him tightly as she slowly went silent. 

S/N: T-T-T-thank you. 
She said before closing her eyes and nuzzled against his chest, her breasts pressing against his chest. 

Somewhere Else 

Neon was walking down the side walk as she held her scroll in hand before looking at it. 

Neon: Y/N. 
She said as she looked at a photo of Y/N and her together, smiling brightly.

Neon continued to walk down the road before walking around a corner. 

Neon: He must be with S/N. 
She said to herself before suddenly feeling a hand around her mouth as she squirmed. 

Neon: Y/N! 
She screamed into the man's hand before feeling bag over head. 

Neon thrashed in the man's arms as she tried to get away before feeling a needle in her neck. 

Neon: Y-Y-Y/N.
She said before slowly passing out. 

Here is chapter 9 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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