Chapter 5: Anger

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Third Person POV 

Neon: did you find her? 
She asked as she sat in front of Y/N, seeing him in his blue themed clothing. His E/C eyes looking at her as she sat in the chair. 

Y/N: I was lucky to find them. 
He said to her. 

Neon: Really now? 
She said as she looked at him with a blank expression. 

Neon: A man with a snapped neck. Another foaming from the mouth from seizure. 10  other people with bullet holes in their heads. 5 hung from the roof of their homes. 10 electrocuted. The last 5 were only bits left due to grimm.  And sudden deletion of all their backgrounds. 
She said with hints of anger. 

Y/N: Why not? 

Neon: You're killing people! 

Y/N: A necessary necessity. 

Neon: We both joined the huntsmen and military to help people, not kill them! 
She yells with anger in her voice. 

Y/N: And I'm cleaning up one by one. 

Neon: Your sister being kidnapped does not justify it!
She yells at him. 

Y/N: S/N being part of the human trafficking does not justify me going after the men that kidnapped her for 6 months. Drugged her. Dehydrated her. Used her. Only for their desires. Do I not have the right to go after them and wipe out their existence? 

Neon: You're the same Y/N I grew up with! 
She yells as tears ran down her cheeks before running out of the room. 

Y/N sighs as he sits there, face palming there before going into S/N's room to see her laying on the bed. 

Y/N: I'll never let them get you again. 
He said as he caresses her cheek. 

Y/N sat down on a chair as he pulled out his revolver before seeing a hologram appear beside his side. 

Y/N: Athena. I want any recording of what happens outside the door and the apartment. 
He said as he pulled up his hood. 

Athena AI: Yes Y/N. 
She said as Y/N slowly fell asleep. 

To Neon 

Neon was laying on a bed in a room as she was curled into a ball, tears running down her cheeks. 

Neon: Why. Why did you become this. 
She said with tears. 

Neon: All I want is the old you. 
She said with tears, remembering the memories. 


Neon: Come on Y/N. You can do better. 
She giggled as she strolled around the training room. 

Y/N: Grr.
He said as he aimed at her to only miss. 

Neon: Come on. I thought you were a great shot. 
She said as she jumped out of the way, missing a shot from him. 

Y/N: If you weren't so fast.
He said as he shot at her once again. 

Neon: Whoa! You almost got me there! Flynt your turn! 
She giggled as she moves behind a wall. 


Neon: No fair! 
She pouts as she looks at him. 

Y/N: Did you forget that I can do this? 
He said as he formed a hologram before shooting a wall up from under her. 

Neon: Y/N! GET ME DOWN! 
She yells in fear. 

Y/N: No. I don't think I will. 
He chuckles as he looks at her from below. 

Neon: Don't look at me pervert! 
She yells as she covers her skirt. 

Y/N chuckles as he slowly brings the wall down. 

Neon: Baka! 
She yells as she crossed her arms, turning around. 

Y/N: Come on. 
He said as he pokes her cheek. 

Neon: Hmm. 
She said as she turned away from him. 

Y/N: Come on. I'm sorry for that. 
He said as he looks at her. 

Neon: Hmm. 

Y/N: Will you stop being mad if I buy you something? 

Neon: Anything? 

Y/N: Anything. 

Neon smirks as she looks at him. 

Y/N: I'm going to regret this am I? 

Flashback Ends 

Somewhere Else 

In front of a house, a group of men in black suits slowly walked up to the door as they looked at each other. 

Men 1: Remember. No witnesses. Kill the man and take the girl. 
He said as the others nod. 


One of the men kicked down the door as they came in, guns in their hands as they went into the different rooms. 

While the men went into each different room, one of the men stood in the chicken as he saw a bottle on the counter. 

Men 1: Where are they. Where is the girl. 
He said to the others. 

Men 2: No sign of her. 

Men 1: Look again! 
He yells at them. 

Men 3: She's not here! 

Men 1: How!? Where could they have gone!? 
He yells. 

???: Surprise motherfucker. 


The group of men turned around to see Y/N before shooting at him. To only see the wall be damaged only. 

Y/N: Oh wow. Didn't expect you guys to be in my home with guns in hands. So...what can I do for you fuckers? 
He chuckles as he sits on a chair. 

Men 1: To take back our property. 
He growls at him. 


Suddenly the door closes as the men looked at him in fear. 

Y/N: What property? I don't know what you're talking about. 
He chuckles darkly. 

Men 3: S/N L/N. 

Y/N: Oh my baby sister. The little girl you've drugged and used for your personal desires. That girl? 
He said with a smirk. 

Men 4: Yes! 

Y/N: Oh Tony. Arrested for assault, kidnapping, homicide, and arson. 

Tony: H-H-How d-d-do you know? 
He said in fear. 

Y/N: And 15 million lien collected. Another 15 million from Men 1 here. 20 million from Men 2 here. And 30 million from men 3 here. Looks like your usefulness are gone boys. 
He said as they hear a ticking clock. 

Tony slowly walked to a microwave to see a bomb at 5 seconds. 

He yells as they ran to the door to only feel it locked. 

Y/N: Thanks for your services boys. 


To Winter

???: Ms Schnee! We have a bomb in a neighborhood! 

Winter: Let's get down there immediately. 

Here is chapter 5 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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