Chapter 29: Recovery

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Third Person POV 

S/N laid in her bed as she gripped onto the bed sheets tightly. 

S/N: No... 
She whimpered in her her sleep. 

S/N: N-No... No more. 
She continued to whimper before turning in her sleep. 

S/N: B-B-Big brother. 
She called out to in her sleep, gripping tightly in her sleep as tears ran down her cheek. 

S/N: Y/N. 
She called out before feeling a hand on her shoulder. 

S/N: No! 
She screamed as she jolted up to see Y/N with a bandage running around his shoulder. 

Y/N: Hey, it's ju-
He said before feeling S/N hug him tightly, sobbing into his chest. 

Y/N: It's okay. 
He said as he slowly rubbed her back, feeling her tears soak into his shirt. 

S/N: D-D-Don't let take me. 
She sobbed into his chest, hugging him tightly. 

Y/N: It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. 
He told her as he continued to rub her back, hearing nothing but her muffled sobs. 

Y/N: Come on. Let's get you washed up. 
He said as he slowly got up, holding her up as she looked at him with her puffy E/C eyes. 

S/N: O-Okay.
She muttered as Y/N helped her to the bathroom. 

Y/N slowly walked her into the shower before turning on the shower. 

Y/N: Go in. 
He said to her before turning around as S/N slowly undid her clothes. 

Y/N: I'll be outside the door. 
He said before feeling her hands around his. 

S/N: S-S-Stay. Please. 
She muttered. 

S/N: P-P-Please. 

To Hailey 

Hailey: Twinkle, twimkle, little star. How I wonder what you are. 
She hums to herself as she held a bloodied knife in her hand. 

Hailey: Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. 
She said before licking the blood off of the knife. 

???: HMM! 
A squirm was heard behind her as she turned to see a man with duck tape over his mouth strapped to a chair. 

Hailey: Of finally awake? I was wondering when I could have some fun. 
She said before ripping the tape off of his mouth. 

Man: Listen here you bitch! Once I get out of here, I'll fu-
The man growled before feeling a kick to his groin. 

Hailey: I'm sorry, what were you saying? 
She asked as the man groaned in pain. 

Man: Y-You bitch. I-I-I'll kill you. 
He growled as Hailey giggles. 

Hailey: Oh I wonder how you would do that when she's here. 
She said as the man looked at her with confusion. 

Man: She? 

Hailey: Oh I'm sure you would know. 
She said before grabbing a remote and pressed the button as a monitor flickered behind her, revealing a girl gagged and bounded to a chair. 

Man: You sick fuck! 
He yelled at her as Hailey giggled. 

Hailey: Oh I wonder what a little criminal like yourself would do. 
She said as the man growled at her. 

Man: What the hell do you want from me! 
He yelled at her as Hailey giggles. 

Hailey: I want the location of Lucky Quinn. 

To Ironwood 

Ironwood: How is Y/N doing?
He asked as Winter stood behind him.

Winter: The two are recovering in Mr L/N's room.
She answered as she looked at him.

Ironwood: That's good.

Winter: Why do you support Y/N in this crusade?

Ironwood: Because we need him.

Winter: For amity? We have Pietro.

Ironwood: Yes, we do but we need Mr L/N for his skills.

Winter: Such as?
She asked as Ironwood walked towards his desk before pressing his scroll to form a hologram, revealing Y/N's file and a video.

Ironwood: While Pietro is one of Atlas's top scientist, he is no fighter. While Mr L/N is.
He said as the video showed Y/N walk into a room before pulling out his handgun, hearing gunshots as three men fell to the ground.

Ironwood: And he is our countermeasure.

Winter: For what?

Ironwood: For someone. 

Here is chapter 29 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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