Chapter 11: Caged

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Third Person POV 

Y/N was sitting on a roof as he looked at his phone, scrolling through photos of girls in bikinis. 

Y/N: Fucking animals. 
He growls angrily before seeing Neon. 

Y/N: Why. Why is it you this time. 
He growls angrily as a tear ran down his face. 

Y/N: I'll find you. And I'll bring you home. 
He said before disappearing. 

Somewhere Else 

A man was driving down a road as he picked up his scroll and dialed a number. 

Man: Hmm. Weird. She usually answers. 
He said as he continued driving before stopping in front of a light, seeing countless couples and atleisan students alike. 

Man: Seems like they're happy. 
He said to himself before seeing a faunas fox girl with a blue hoodie. 

Man: What a beautiful faunas. Sadly she would just be used. 
He said before driving down the road. 

Man: I wonder the two of them doing. 
He said to himself before pulling up to a drive way. 

Man: Home sweet home. 
He said as he got out of his car and walked to the door before opening it. 

Man: That's strange. Why are the lights off? 
He asked before turning on the lights to see a boy on the ground. 

Man: Son!? 
He yelled as he ran to him to see him with a burnt face. 

Man: W-W-Who did this? 
He asked with fear.

???: I did. 

The man quickly turned around to see Y/N before being cracked across the jaw with his baton. 

Man: W-W-Who are you? 
He asked in fear as Y/N slowly walked towards him. 

Y/N: Where is Neon. 

Man: I-I-I don't know where she is. 


Man: AHHH! 
He screamed in pain, holding his arm in pain. 

Y/N: Where is she. 

Man: I-I-I don't kn-CRACK 

He yelled as the man grabbed a plate and threw it towards him. 

Y/N: Typical. 
He scoffed before grabbing the man by the head and slamming him onto the ground. 

Y/N: Tell me and you'll live your pathetic life in peace. 
He growls as the man spat in his face. 

Man: Fuck you. 
He said before being dragged into the kitchen. 

Man :W-W-what are you do-SHANK 

He screamed in pain as he pulled at a knife imapling his hand into the table. 

Y/N: Where is Neon. 
He growled before pouring alcohol onto the ground. 

Man: P-P-Please. 
He begged as Y/N slammed his head onto the table. 

Y/N: I want her location. 
He growls before ripping the knife out of his hand and stabbing the other. 

Man: AHHHH! 
He screamed in pain. 

Y/N: Last chance! 
He yells before pulling him towards the stove. 

Man: No! No! Please! Anything but that! 
He begged. 

He yelled before kicking his knee in. 

He yelled before being shoved onto the stove, looking at the blue flames below him. 

He yelled as he pushed him deeper, burning his chest. 

He yelled in fear. 

Y/N: Good. 
He smirks before pushing him onto the stove. 

He screamed in agony as he thrashed around, trying to get off of the stove while Y/N smirked. 

Y/N: Thank you for the 35 million lien. You're all caged animals for me to kill. 

Here is chapter 11 of You'll Never See Me Coming! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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